How Does Grade 10 Selection for Grade 11 Take Place in 2024?

PNG Insight has received numerous inquiries about the Grade 11 Selection process (this is actually the Grade 10 selection for Grade 11). This article aims to clarify the current situation, based on past observations. It offers a comprehensive look into how the Grade 11 selection has evolved over the years. Please note that the timelines shared are based on past writers' experiences and observations and may change depending on the education department's present circumstances, but here are the 4 stages of the selection process: 

  • Release of Grade 10 Exam Results
  • Grade 10 selection for Grade 11 takes place in Port Moresby & Provinces
  • Education Secretary Sights the Selection List
  • GES/ICT division publishes Grade 11 selection list

2024 Grade 10 selection list PDF selection list 2024 pdf

How Grade 10 Selection Takes Place (Highlands, Momase, Southern and NGI)

The yearly grade 10 selection for grade 11 takes place in four stages. The selections start in the provinces after the Grade 10 examinations and culminate in Port Moresby where the results come out to students, parents, schools and stakeholders.

Stage 1: Release of Grade 10 Exam Results

The Measurement Services Division (Education Department) releases the Grade 10 results to the members of the provincial and national selection committee.

Stage 2: Grade 10 selection for Grade 11

The selection committee takes about two weeks to select new Grade 11 students for National High and Secondary Schools. 

This provincial selection committee works with the General Education Services of the Education Department to do the selection in the provinces.

This year's selection dates for National Schools of Excellence and Secondary Schools are here.

Stage 3: Education Secretary Sights the Selection List

GES takes the list to the Education Secretary to sight and sign. This can take a couple of days to a week

Stage 4: GES/ICT division publishes Grade 11 Selection list of Grade 10 students selected to Grade 11

The GES works with the ICT Division to upload the file onto the Education Department website. This is a one-day work but can take up to a week to complete.

The selection committee and three divisions (MSD, GES and ICT) of the Education Department work together to bring the new Grade 11 selection list to you. 

So, there you have it. 

2024 Grade 11 selection process and selection list PDF

When will the 2023 New Grade 11 Selection list come out?

The General Education Services (GES) of the National Department of Education and Education Secretary will give you the answer to the question.

The Measurement Services Division will release the Exam Results for Grade 10 to the GES and Grade 11 selectors, usually on the first week of December every year. 

This is Stage 1 of the 2024 Grade 10 selection for Grade 11.

From past experience, the actual selection can take two weeks - as we mentioned in this article.  This is Stage 2 of Selection where the selectors meet in Port Moresby and finalise the Grade 11 Lists. 

By stage 2, your principals and provincial education officers should have the name list of their respective schools.

How will the Education Dept Publish the new Grade 11 List 2025?

The General Education Services and ICT Divisions normally make the new Grade 11 selection list available in PDF according to the Regions and Schools. 

Since last year, GES/ICT Divisions have attempted to try a *LOGIN* system but they did not carry it through due to a lack of technical capacity, we believe. 

Neither GES nor ICT said anything about it, so you just have to wait and see what happens this year.

What's Happening Right Now

Right now, we believe the Grade 11 Selection Committee is finalising the selection lists.

Parents, guardians and students will have to wait till the secretary sights and signs the Grade 11 listings for 2024 (mentioned in Stage 3); and for GES and ICT to publish the list online (Stage 4). 

You know the stages and how long it takes for selection to take place.  We hope that answers some of your questions. 

If you need more information, check out the links we provide in this article. This video explains how the Grade 11 selection takes place. 

Articles and further reading: 

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more. 


Unknown said...

So basically someone needs to get a hold of the Education Secretary, whom I believe by this stage should really have signed off on this already. Would have been a great pre-Xmas present for parents and children alike to actually know this information. Helps with things like let me see, school fee bank loans for the good majority of parents in PNG. Come on powers that be lets please get this done.

Unknown said...

Could you please forward me the 2022 grade 11 selection list for WNBP Secondary schools?

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for the information.

Unknown said...

2022 grade 11 selection list for eastern highlands province

Unknown said...

Is the grade 11 section list already out?

Saee said...

Wonderful information.However,there are some students doing FODE in other fode centres of the country(PNG) who did not receive their FODE certificates after completion of their courses of two takes almost 1-2 years for certificates to be given out.when the students asked about their certificate,the fode institution advice them(students)to use only their transcripts to apply to tertiary it possible to use only the transcripts or it requires both transcripts & certificate to apply for any institutions?and why it takes such a long tome for such important documents to be given?.Any feed back please let me know.


Thanks a lot for the information



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