Showing posts with label Papua New Guinea Education Department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Papua New Guinea Education Department. Show all posts

Annual report of the Department of Education for the year 2022 (No Child is Left Behind)

Executive Summary:

In his address to the National Parliament on the 1st of August, 2023, the Papua New Guinea Education Minister highlighted the significant achievements, challenges, and policy interventions undertaken by the Department of Education in the 2022 Academic Year. 

The minister expressed gratitude to the Marape-Rosso government and various stakeholders for their unwavering support and outlined six critical areas, including the successful transition to the standard-based curriculum, strategic reforms in education, the establishment of Schools of Excellence, decentralisation initiatives, the effective implementation of tuition fee subsidies, and efforts to address infrastructure needs. 

He emphasised the government's commitment to ensuring no child is left behind and underscored the pivotal role of education in nation-building. The comprehensive report, spanning 122 pages, provides valuable insights into the department's endeavours and sets the stage for continued collaboration and support in the academic year 2023.

Education Department Annual Report

See the budget breakdown for education here.

Minister's Statement:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am grateful for the opportunity to present the annual report of the Department of Education for the year 2022. I would like to express my appreciation to the honourable members of parliament for granting me leave to make this statement in connection with the reports.

Mr. Speaker, education holds a paramount place in our society, and it is with great honour that I present the 2022 annual report for the Department of Education to the National Parliament. Our department has consistently presented its annual report to this esteemed house, underscoring the significance of education for every citizen.

Before delving into the highlights of the report, I would like to extend, on behalf of the 2.3 million children and numerous parents, our sincere gratitude to the Marape-Rosso government. Despite the economic challenges facing our nation, the government has accorded the highest priority to education. I would also like to acknowledge the unwavering support of every governor and Member of Parliament in advancing the cause of education.

Mr. Speaker, education is the key that unlocks knowledge, talent, skills, and development, fostering prosperity for a nation. It is the common denominator, the foundation upon which societies and nations are built. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure that no child is left behind, irrespective of space, gender, religion, ethnicity, or disability. Every child has the right to education from elementary to grade 12, and we are obligated to provide that.

The Department's 2022 annual report, a comprehensive document spanning 122 pages, offers insights into the performances, achievements, and challenges encountered while implementing policies during the 2022 Academic Year. I urge every minister to peruse the report at their convenience.

In the interest of time, I will highlight six critical policies, achievements, and challenges outlined in the report:

  • 1. Successful transition from the outcome-based curriculum to the standard-based curriculum (SBC), with the completion of the phasing-in of SBC into the education system in 2022. The development phase of the SBC syllabus and teacher guides for all subjects and grades is also complete.
  • 2. Significant progress in the five-year strategic plan for education reform and expansion, with notable increases in enrollments, particularly in secondary schools.
  • 3. Establishment of Schools of Excellence to cater to highly talented students, with a focus on STEM education. A total of 220 STEM students graduated in 2022.
  • 4. Decentralisation of functions and activities to provincial governments, including education laws, payroll, and salary management.
  • 5. Successful government tuition fee subsidy implementation, with a total disbursement of 792 million Kina in 2022.
  • 6. Addressing infrastructure needs and responsibilities at various school levels, emphasising the need for clarity in roles and responsibilities.

In conclusion, I express gratitude to the Marape-Rosso government, members of parliament, governors, partners, stakeholders, and the dedicated team at the Department of Education. Your continued support ensures the success of the education sector. I look forward to ongoing collaboration in the academic year 2023. May God bless you all, and thank you for your attention to government business.

Final remarks:

In closing, the Minister's talk about the Department of Education's yearly report for 2022 highlights how important education is for our country to grow. The report talks about what went well, what challenges were faced, and the plans made to make sure every child gets a good education. 

The Minister said thank you to the government, members of parliament, governors, partners, and everyone in the education team for working together to make education better.

PNG Teachers Pay - Do Not Pay Bribe to Get Pay Processsed at Waigani

Teachers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) should not be paying fees to have their salaries processed, according to Camillus Kanau, the first secretary (financial services) of the Education Department. 

Kanau stated that it is wrong and must be discouraged for any officer, both at the national and provincial levels, to ask for inducements, charges, or service fees in relation to teachers' salary matters. 

He emphasized that there are established processes within the department to address such issues and urged teachers to report any such incidents.

Teachers pay slips download - PNG Teachers Pay

Public Notice: Demanding Service Fees is Bribery and Corruption

Kanau further highlighted that the secretary's office has released a public notice stating that demanding service fees and charges in relation to teachers' salary matters is tantamount to bribery and corruption. 

He called on teachers to provide evidence, such as copies of deposit slips for manual transactions or statements for electronic transactions when reporting cases of officers asking for fees. 

This evidence would enable the department to track down responsible officers and report them to the department secretary for disciplinary action.

Complaints Require Proof of Payments

Despite the department receiving numerous complaints from teachers, Kanau explained that without proof of payments, it is challenging for the department to take action. 

He urged teachers to report such matters to their respective education advisers at the provincial level or to the office with evidence at the national level. 

Kanau emphasized the importance of providing evidence to help identify officers who are engaging in improper practices related to teachers' salary matters.

Protecting Teachers' Rights

As PNG strives to improve the education sector and ensure that teachers are treated fairly, Kanau's statement serves as a reminder that teachers should not be charged any fees for processing their salaries. 

The Education Department is committed to addressing any incidents of bribery or corruption in relation to teachers' pay and encourages teachers to come forward with evidence to hold accountable any officers who engage in such practices. 

It is vital to protect the rights and welfare of teachers, who play a critical role in shaping the future of PNG through their dedication to educating the nation's youth.

SBC Syllabus and Teachers Guide PDF | Papua New Guinea Education Department

 Teachers, parents and students can now download SBC Syllabus and Teachers Guide Pdf for all the subjects at the education department's website. 

PNG Insight has a dedicated maths resource website where you can download the resources you need for teaching mathematics. See links to the website below.

SBC syllabus and teachers guide PNG

(Want to work as a Data Collector in the 2024 National Census nationwide? Here is how to apply)

Maths resources and SBC Syllabus and Teachers Guide Pdf

PNG Insight has all the SBC syllabus and teachers' guide as well as the OLD syllabus and teachers' guide. 

Access the resources via the links.

Maths Syllabus and Guides

Mathematics resources for teachers are a useful collection of teaching materials for Primary (Grades 7 & 8) and Secondary School (Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12) Mathematics teachers in Papua New Guinea. 

Whether you are a new graduate teacher or a seasoned mathematics teacher, you’ll find some of the most often used resources here.

Standard Based Curriculum (SBC)

The new SBC is in the implementation stage in the earlier schooling years. The implementation is in phases and will cover the secondary years. We believe the school syllabus and teachers' guides for Grades 3 – 8 are complete. And the Grades 9 – 12 SBC syllabus is a work-in-progress.

What you can get at the Maths resources website?

 We had some great features to enhance math exam revision. 

Some of them include:

  • Old Exam Papers for Grades 8,10 and 12 students to download.
  • Study Guides for Grades 8, 10 and 12
  • Outline of Exam Units and Topics You should know
  • Teachers' Mathematics revision resources for use with students 
  • Education department Apps and Links to on-demand webpages
  • Maths Examinations Tips and Guides
We are adding to this resource base, check out the home page for the new resources.

Quality Education: Secretary Recounts Achievements | Papua New Guinea Education Department

png education deprtment


On behalf of the Department of Education, I send Christmas Greetings to all our students and their families, teachers and school administrators and our important stakeholders like the development partners, churches, Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and service providers who supported us in our efforts to provide quality education and training for our children in Papua New Guinea.

I acknowledge the minister for education Hon. Joseph Yopyyopy for his elevation during the change of government and taking up the challenge with the Ministry as a political head. He has served humbly for the past 6 to 7 months with patience and with a spirit of servanthood.

We acknowledge the services of all the officers who passed on this year while providing vital services in their capacities and being committed to the education sector.

Also, at this juncture, we recognize and salute the retirees who will leave the Education Department for their commitment, dedication and tireless effort for their roles and responsibilities in the development of the education sector.

This year a total of eighteen (18) officers will be retiring while the second batch of retirees will leave next year (2020).

Our vision is to provide quality education and training to every citizen in the country. This year we have aspired and advocated our overarching theme to ‘Christian and Values Education for a Better Future.’

We exist to serve the parents, teachers, students and schools so that every Papua New Guineans is given a fair opportunity in education to achieve a better future.

On behalf of the Minister and the Office of the Secretary, I like to acknowledge and thank everyone for contributing to the long-term vision that is to improve the quality of education to every citizen for a better future.

We as public servants are here to serve our people in good and bad times, in rough and calm times, in happy and sad times. We survive to serve our people.

I’m grateful and satisfied that with the guidance of GOD Almighty and the leadership of the Minister, Top Management, line managers, staff and with the partner organizations, development partners and of course the spouses and children with your support and perseverance, we have all worked hard to make this year a success.

We have achieved a lot in terms of policy development and implementation as we remain resilient and strong despite the challenges.


Let me highlight some of the accomplishments made this year.

First, the development and implementation of Standard Based Curriculum which we started in 2015. I am pleasured to announce that by 2020 we will complete the whole cycle of the SBC.

This year the officers have worked tirelessly with the leadership of Mr Walipe Wingi, ‘Mrs Annemaria Kona and Mr Steven Tandale for ensuring that the Secondary school curriculum is completed. We thank CDD for your patience and hard work for the completion of this important task despite the challenges faced.

All the curriculum materials that are developed is PNG made. It is something we all must be proud off for the children in the country.

Secondly, we acknowledge that work put in by the Policy & Planning Division for spearheading the ‘1-6-6 school structure’ and completion of the next ‘10-year Education Plan’.

Also, the completion of the ‘Corporate Plan’ which the Minister launched and the implementation of the ‘School Learning Improvement Plan (SLIP).’

Thirdly, to the Guidance and Counselling Division and the leadership for the development of the ‘Scout Policy’ and the ‘Behaviour Management Policy.’

Credits go to the Research & Revaluation Division, Policy & Planning Division, and Guidance Division and other line divisions that contributed enormously to develop the ‘Early Childhood Policy.’ The policy will be launched by the Minister before the end of the year.

Another milestone policy that was developed for the Secondary sector is the ‘National Schools of Excellence Policy.’ The policy is already approved by the National Executive Council and will be launched soon.

TVET Sector also has finalized and updated the ‘Technical Secondary Schools Policy.’ The National Examinations held this year was a success with no major problems.

The Finance Division must be thanked for commitments, despite the pressure in sorting all our claims. They worked tirelessly to ensure our tasks flow smoothly.

I personally acknowledge the commitment everyone in the department has put in. Next year all the divisions will have increases in their recurrent budgets. For example, the Curriculum Development Division’s budget will increase to cater for development, publishing and distributions of school materials.

Likewise, the Guidance Division will ensure that inspectors visit schools throughout the country.

In Tuition Fee Free (TFF) we have almost dispatched K600 million except for the last K100 million that is being held back to be released in early 2020. The TFF team in the department and the provinces must be acknowledged for making sure schools get their allocations.

This year we have decentralized the TFF functions to the provinces. We had successfully given the functions to 5 provinces namely New Ireland, East New Britain, Milne Bay, Morobe and Enga. These provinces were able to ensure all their schools received their funds.

The Department will be passing on the functions to other provinces in the country who are ready to take on the responsibilities.

Lastly, the Department has really embraced the advancement of technology. This year we have developed the ‘Document Management System Application.’ We are now converting all our hard copies of documents to e-copies so all our documents can be accessed by the press of the computer button.

We have also developed and launched “My Payslip Application’ The public servants and teachers can now access their current payslips online. ‘My PNG School Application’ is another intervention that is now been implemented and rolled out with officers from headquarter visiting provinces to impart the use of the system.

With the NID project, we have almost 30,000 teachers registered and working closely with the NID office to ensure all the remaining teachers are recorded. In 2020 all teachers will be required to attach their photos and NID numbers when submitting their resumption forms.

As many teachers have not yet received their NID this will take time however, photos will be a requirement on the forms next year.


I would like to conclude by once again acknowledge and thank the many long-serving officers and teachers who retire this year for your commitment and dedication to the education sector and wish you well in your future endeavours.

The onus is now on us to embrace the Government’s education developmental agendas to convalesce education for the betterment of the children of PNG into the future.

As we head into the New Year, I wish for all of us to share the same spirit of togetherness, ownership and teamwork to further enhance education to meet our overall goal of providing quality education and training for all.

Christmas is the time where families get together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ joyously and peacefully.

Therefore, I wish you all a blessed and safe festive celebration and a prosperous happy new year 2020. May GOD Almighty continue to bless Papua New Guinea.


Teachers Pay Slip Online - How to Register and Download Pay Slip | Papua New Guinea Education Department

Teachers Payslip Register and Download:  A new web-based app called the MyPaySlip Application will make it easier for Papua New Guinea teachers to access their payslips online. 

It (the online payslip) was launched recently (27th June 2019) by the new Education Minister in Port Moresby. The application is also available as a mobile app on Google Play.

Read about the latest on Teachers Pay Increase - 2023 to 2024, click here.

Teachers pay slip education download

Access teachers' payslip app

The online payslip app is available via this link.

The URL link is

(Maths Resources for Teachers & Students: If you are a Grade 8, 10 0r 12 teacher or parent, check out our FREE Maths Exam Resource and find out how to help your children.)

How to register

Only the teachers who register with their credentials will access their online payslips. That means that two things need to happen before teachers can access the payslips.

First, the teachers must register. The education department - TSC - needs to clearly articulate the 'how to register' guidelines to teachers so that they can register.

Meanwhile, there are indications that school provincial inspectors, with the help of the Education Department IT branch and app developers, will facilitate Tisa Online Payslip registration.

Second, teachers who register will be provided with login credentials. This is done as a security measure. In fact, this is a better way to safeguard your login details. And, also make sure no one other than you see your payslip online.

Teachers registration details

As mentioned earlier, school inspectors (elementary, primary and secondary school inspectors) will be the point of contact for registration. 

So, teachers will have to provide the inspectors with their Teaching Service Commission (TSC) biodata. This includes your personal details such as:

  • First and last names
  • File number
  • Mobile number
  • Gmail/email address, and
  • Recent passport-size photo.

In anticipation of the rollout of the Tisa Online payslip system, TSC would have communicated with the school inspectors regarding the manual registration process. For more information, contact your local inspectors or TSC direct.

Other info - Teachers Online Payslip

The teachers can access their payslip online using smartphones, laptops or personal computers, or mobile devices with a connection to the internet.

teachers pay slip download

*New* online payslip for PNG teachers

In the past, the Finance Department facilitated the wss online payslip for PNG public servants through this link Though it was very useful, the finance department could not maintain it. All public servants registered on the wss network lost the ability to access their payslips online. 

This *new* online payslip for PNG teachers will, certainly, give the teachers the ability to check their payslips online. Furthermore, the online application is likely to address other pay management problems, such as ghost teachers/public servants, that may have existed at present.

One-position-one-pay concept 

It will also ensure the one-position-one-pay concept is achieved through the online payslip - a better approach to monitoring the teachers' pay.

During the launching of the online payslip Education Secretary, Dr. Kombra, has called on teachers across the country to use the term three holidays to register for the online payslip.

Clarity on 'how to register for teachers payslips online

The challenge now is for the education department (and TSC) to roll out the registration across the country, efficiently and effectively. So that all teachers are registered with the Tisa Payslip Online. 

Finally, for clarity about 'how to register' (how to get your login credential', what to attach and who to see...) for the Tisa Payslip application refer to the Education Department website.

You can also get information and application forms from your provincial school inspectors.  

In the meantime, leave your email in the comment area, or subscribe to the PNG Insight mailing list for updates. You can also join this blog on Twitter or Facebook.

How to download teachers' payslip on Tisa Online App

To download your teacher payslip, you'll have to log in to Tisa Payslip online. For mobile phone users, you may have to download the Tisa payslip app on Google Play.
1. Go to
2. Enter your Username and Password
3. Download the teacher payslip.


PNG insight is looking for teachers to write about their teaching experiences. If you are interested, email us directly at



Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF

Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF