UNITECH and UoG Yearly STAT-P Test - Is it Necessary?

The PNG University of Technology (UNITECH) and the University of Goroka (UoG) are the only tertiary institutions running the Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) where candidates must book and pay a fee of K100 to sit the test. 

The two universities WILL ONLY CONSIDER grade 12 school leavers who sit the test.

statpng.acer.org login

1. Grade 12 School Leavers (SLs) 2020

The PNG University of Technology (UOT) will only consider applications of Grade 12 School Leavers (SLs) who sit the STAT P test in November 2020.

2. Grade 12 School Leavers (SLs) 2020 and Pre-Service Non-School Leavers

The University of Goroka (UOG) will only consider applications of Grade 12 School Leavers (SLs) and Pre-Service Non-School Leavers who sit the STAT P test in November 2020.

Here are some points/questions I have for discussion.

  •  Is this STAT-P mandatory? If so, why is it that other tertiary institutions are not conducting it?
  • If a very bright straight-A student does not sit this test, will he or she be denied a space because he/she did not sit the test?
  • On the other extreme, how about all the applicants to these two universities who sit the test but miss out on selection. What is the justification for collecting their K100 fess?
  • How will these two universities reach all secondary schools in the country, those in very remote schools, how will such students sit this expensive test?
  • Can the two universities (UNITECH and UoG) explain to the public about the importance of this test and how it will benefit these students over students in other institutions whose students don’t sit the test?
  • Is there any good reason why the government should not intervene in this expensive and unfair activity?
The post was originally posted on the Facebook discussion group by John Wanis.

IS STAT-P TEST NECESSARY ENTRY TEST FOR PNG INSTITUTIONS? Share your experiences and opinions. Leave a comment below.

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