Online Application for Unversities and Colleges in PNG 2023/2024

2023/2024 Online Application for Universities: Several Papua New Guinea universities are accepting online applications for postgraduates, non-school leavers and discontinuing students. 

Over the years, many students have had difficulty getting a Non-School Leavers Application Form. Let alone applying to universities and colleges in time. This can be a thing of the past as several universities in PNG have gone online.

upng online application form 2023 | uog application form 2023
Check out the link to the online application for 3 PNG Unis

In this article, we provide a snapshot of the Online Application for Universities and NSL application for colleges in PNG.

2023 Online Application for Universities

In the last 4 years, 3 universities are facilitating online applications for their new postgraduates and non-school leavers' intake. 

There is a significant improvement in the design and implementation of the PNG Universities' websites, too. Notably, the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) and the University of Technology (Unitech). 

Here is a list of PNG universities that offer online applications for postgrads and non-school leavers. 


Manual NSL Application Forms

We understand that the other universities and all colleges in PNG are still accepting manual applications. 

If you want more info about application and admission to the universities, click on the links provided: 
  • University of Goroka (UoG)
  • Divine Word Universit (DWU
  • Western Pacific University (WPU)
  • Pacific Adventist University (PAU)
  • University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE)
  • PNG Colleges Application information for new students (Sl and NSL)

 NSL application for colleges in PNG

We researched the information provided by universities and colleges for  Non-school leavers (NSL) and put them here. In fact,

Check this link (PNG Universities) and this link (PNG Colleges) for 2023 application requirements, and the selection and admission information.

Our observation over the year has shown that there is a  demand for students to have the latest information when applying to universities and colleges in PNG. The information provided by most universities and colleges can be coordinated properly. That way the new students/applicants can find it easier to access application forms and apply with ease.

Having said that, several universities in PNG (mentioned) have done a fantastic job with their websites and social media messages.

About us

We are an education blog. We strive to point you in the right direction as you are researching your university or college to study in PNG next year. 

Leave a comment and let us know what you think about the application and admission process of your university or college 

We wish you nothing, but the best in your application!


Stephanie Kereme said...

I want to apply to UPNG as a NSL but i am finding diffuculty in accessing the online portal for application. Please assist

Heitz Hedna said...

Any update on Acceptance list for Diploma in Law Posecutions take for 2022

Unknown said...

May you please update me on the NSL 2022 acceptance list will come out online in pdf for us to see?

Unknown said...

Please update me on the NSL 2022 acceptance list.

Sandau Derol said...

Can I apply as non school leaver

Unknown said...

When will NSL acceptance list will be published?

Unknown said...

Has the NSL acceptance list being published?

Unknown said...

When will the NSL list be published?

Unknown said...

Please can you update me on NSL acceptance list for accounting (diploma to degree program) 2022 intake..

Unknown said...

Any update on NSL acceptance list for 2022 intake?


When will UPNG give out their acceptance letter for the 2022 new intake?

Unknown said...

When will the acceptance letters for non-school leavers for 2022 sent out to those accepted?

Unknown said...

When will acceptance letters be sent to non-school leavers who are accepted for study to UPNG in 2022

Kerry Lumale said...

Hi , I want to apply as a NSL into UPNG for 2023 academic year but I am having difficulties in accessing the online application portal, please assist me.

Unknown said...

Please do something to the portal where the UPNG NSL Form can be accessed because its not working at the moment.


Unknown said...

the portals where we suppose to browse for UPNG Non School Leavers Form is not working, could the blog have this updated so that we can access the application.




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