Showing posts with label School Leavers Form. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School Leavers Form. Show all posts

DHERST Online Selection Running Well in Its Second Year (2019)

The DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) is rolling out the Grade 12 online selection for the second year running. 

Last year was a successful start, though some may say otherwise. This year is sure to build on the success of last year. The DHERST online selection is seen by many stakeholders as the way forward for higher education in Papua New Guinea. 

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection started in 2018. It is the best thing that happens. The online selection helps DHERST, the government and stakeholders know exactly how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

In a recent media statement, DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here

For the Grade 12 students or parents wanting more information on this year's selection, the best place to get the latest news online is the DHERST website ( or Facebook page. 

Re-posted below is the first reminder released by concerning the Grade 12 online choices and selections.

(1) As of 1st December 2018, your 5 Choices are locked in. If you have not filled in your 5 Choices, you can still have a final chance on the 10th - 11th December 2018 (48 hours) to make your final changes to your choices.

(2) REMEMBER, although your 5 Choices are locked, you CAN still log into your NOAS account and you must double-check that you have filled in ALL of your MyData information. Applications Close entirely on 11th December 2018 at 11.59pm.

(3) If you are applying for a Study Program at PNG University of Technology or the University of Goroka, you are then required to have taken the STAT-P examinations and therefore you must enter your STAT-P ID in the MyData Section. If you do not enter this, Selectors at PNG UoT and UoG will not have access to your STAT-P scores and you will then miss your chance to be selected.

(4) Have you filled in your BackUP Choices? Make sure you do. This is located in the MyAcceptable Programs section.

(5) Your Grade 12 final marks will be returned to DHERST on the 8th of December 2018 and commencing on the 10th of December 2018 at 12.01am, you will have 48 hours to check if you need to change your 5 choices.

(6) If in doubt, email us at and provide your full name, secondary school, and phone number for us to get in touch with you.

Stay tuned to our Page. We, at DHERST, will be posting here every day to update, remind and assist you as best as we can.


DHERST Support Service

Key points
  • Grade 12 National Selection 13th December 2018
  • Final changes to Student's Choice online must be made by 11th December 2018 before 11.59 AM
  •  Email,,
  • Call 301 2078
  • If you are on Twitter, follow PNG Insight here.


  • 1st - 9th December 2018, Grade 12 students can continue to log in to their account and double-check that MyData is filled in and MyAcceptable Programs are selected.
  • 10th - 11th December 2018, Grade 12 students have a chance to see if their 5 choices did not meet the minimum admission requirements and can change the choices.
  • 12th December 2018, Selectors finalize the Selection List
  • 13th December 2018 at 10am the Minister for HERST Hon. Pila Niningi LLB pressed the button. This event is to be broadcasted live online. Immediately after, all applicants can log in and check results.

GRADE 12 SLF GRACE PERIOD: How to Adjust Choices on School Leavers Form

The school leavers' choices every Grade 12 student makes each year is important. Many good students missed out on being selected, simply because they have not received proper guidance to make the right choice on the School Leavers Form (SLF).

Grade 12 SLF Guide Hint and Tips

I believe if the right direction was provided by the education leaders, students with good marks will increase their chances of entering a higher learning institution.

Good marks are marks with a GPA above the required GPA for higher education entry. For example, one school leaver said:

'I have a GPA of 2.8 and I cannot be offered a space in any of these (higher) institutions...confused?'

A GPA of 2.8 would mean that the student scored Bs and higher Cs. But, why had the student missed the selection to a university, college, or vocational centre on a government scholarship?

Why Students Have Good GPAs Do Not Get Selected

Here are three important factors that disadvantage capable students from entering universities, colleges, or vocational and technical colleges:

1. The increasing number of students passing out of grade 12.

Take a look at the graph and you will realise that the number of students has increased since 2014. By contrast, spaces at tertiary institutions remained relatively low - only 20% of students were selected to continue after Grade 12 each year between 2014 and 2016. 

Unlike the 80s and 90s when there was a handful of National High Schools, today many secondary schools have been established in every province in the country. As the number of secondary schools increases, the number of students also increases. The competition is stiff. 

That is for every space available at a tertiary institution (under HECAS), five students are applying for it. 

2. Students choices on the  SLF

In fact, a 'funnel effect' takes hold where only the student with very good Grade 12 marks and good choices on SLF gets the preference during selections for university or college entries. It is absolutely important that you get both factors (Grade 12 marks +  SLF choice) right. 

Do not let your years of hard work and good marks go to waste. If you are an A, B or C+ student, follow this rule of thumb to get a government scholarship into a tertiary institution:

  • SLF Choice 1 -    University
  • SLF Choice 2 -    College/Technical Institute 
  • SLF Choice 3 -    Vocational/Technical Centre

3. STAT-P Test

The third and most important point to consider when applying for UNITECH or UOG is to sit for the STAT-P (aptitude) test if you are a School Leaver; or the entrance exam if you are a non-SL. All principals and deputy principal academics have to ensure their students intending to attend UNITECH or UOG must sit the entry test - it is mandatory.

It is anticipated that the University of Natural Science and Environment will also conduct entry tests in the future. To get more details on STAT-P, click HERE.

For the non-school leavers, avoid putting a university program as your second choice on your SLF - you are NOT going to make it. University choice on the SLF must be choice #1 if you believe that you will 'smash' the end of the year Grade 12 examinations.

Grade 12 Grade Period - Adjusting Choice

DHERST has not allowed students to adjust their choices. The online School Leavers Choice system makes it easy for students to do just that - changing the choice on their SLF. 

This is a plus for students as it gives you the best chance to match your Grade 12 final marks to the institutions of your choice as discussed in point 2, above.

About PNG Insight

PNG Insight is an education blog. It aims to highlight the key developments in the education sector in Papua New Guinea. Started in 2014 on Google's blogger (now self-hosted on WordPress), PNG Insight strives to be a platform for critical thinking and discussions; and a source of information.

You can follow us on Twitter (@PNG_Insight) for information on Education and Development in Papua New Guinea.



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