2015 Tuition Fee Free: Is K605 Million Enough To Complete the Academic Year?

I thought I should clarify some points following my previous post on conflicting information from National Department of Education (NDoE) and schools about project fees for this year. The minister for education and secretary has given a ministerial directive to parents NOT to pay any project fee:

''Schools that impose projects fees on students will not receive their component of the ‘Tuition Free Fee’ (TFF) from the Government.

That was the message from Education Minister Nick Kuman at a media conference today in Port Moresby.

Kuman said project fees should not be imposed as the government was paying the fees of students to attend schools.

He said a circular will be issued  by the Department Secretary to all the schools around the country not to collect project fees.

“Every child is supported by the Government and schools have no choice but to allow them into the classroom.

“Any school that imposes project fees will not be given TFF,” said Kuman.
Education Secretary Michael Tapo said the first component of school fees will be made available in the first two weeks when schools resume this year.

K605 million has been allocated for TFF around the country, with half of that to be paid first.

PNG Loop [19/01/2025]

However, some schools in the country fearing Tuition Fees delay have gone ahead and charged project fees to get started. Local media reports revealed that schools in Bougainville and Morobe have decided to do that. This has resulted is stern warning from NDoE’s recent circular:

''To all Parents and Citizens in Papua New Guinea whom your children are attending Elementary, Primary, Secondary, National High Schools, Vocational centres, Flexible Open and Distance Education and Special Education schools : 

You MUST REPORT IMMEDIATELY to your Regional Directors if you are charged any PROJECT FEES in 2015 academic year, below are the names and contacts of the Regional Directors and their Digicel hotline:

SOUTHERN Paul Ainui 72228304. 
HIGHLANDS. Aloysius Rema 72228266. 
MOMASE Joseph Moide 72228273. 
NGI Henry Vainak 72228280.

National Newspaper. [12/02/2015]

It is ominous that schools will have to refrain from charging any fee. Schools that have incomplete projects or are planning projects are going to have to face the reality. The big question now is whether K605 million is enough to get every school through the end of the year. 

Is this money (K605 million) enough? Take a look at this conservative estimate: if the students’ population is 1 million, that would mean that the government is paying only K605 school fee for every child. If the population is 500 000, then the government is paying K1210 per child. This estimate gives you a perception of what a child would have paid this year, though the fees are different in every school.  

School principals and head teachers - especially those that have incomplete projects (or are planning one) - will have to either beg their provincial governments for funding or use portion of TFF to realise fruit of their project. I am being sceptical but are parents likely to see schools closing prematurely before the year ends?

I am of the view that project fee is an 'access fee' that schools add on to annual school fee and passed onto parents to pay. This is only done when there is need for a school project: for example building new teachers' house, running agricultural or practical skills project, etc.

If NDoE is serious about this directive why don't they make it clear in 2012 when TFF policy started? Many schools collected project fees in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Why the change this year? Does this mean the government has allocation takes into consideration project fees? How did they work that out? What is the actual student population? How much is the government paying per child attending Elementary, Primary, Secondary, NHS, Vocational centres, FODE and Special Education schools?

Another point worth mentioning is the decentralised education system. Provinces like the Autonomous region of Bougainville and Morobe have some powers over internal affairs of their education system. This means that Provincial Education Authorities are in control over teachers' salary, leave fares and Project Fees among others.

Perhaps it is important to note that most of the funding comes from the national government. In regard to project fee directive, the national department for education stand is clear. Every stakeholder must obey.

Yes, schools must obey the directive. But, NDoE is not clear on the composition of the tuition fee. Everybody presumes that the fee covers everything. I would be convinced if the education officials and minister give a break-down of a student's school fee for this year. 

Instead of sending out one circular after another, they would do well if they had indicated how much the government was paying per child and what percentage of the school's fee was meant for project.

Misunderstanding Clarified: Project Fees, By Definition, Not Covered Under Tuition Fee Free Policy

There is complete chaos because of misunderstanding. Senior education officials at Waigani and the minister do not know what the word mean or what Tuition Fee Free (TFF) policy was meant for. 

Tuition is often used in connection with 'instruction'. TFF policy would rightly refer to fee the government pays to school to provide a comfortable student learning experience. Tuition Fee  is for funding of staff and up-kept of facilities, including maintaining day to day running of school. 

For example, ancillary staff members are needed to keep schools running. Therefore their wages/salaries are covered in TFF policy. 

However, project fee does not fall under this policy. Project Fee is to be agreed by school board and approved by Provincial Education Board. The NDoE secretary and education minister do not have much say whether it should be either charged or not

In order words, school would continue if a project isn't carried out. But, test would be affected if the typist didn't turn up or A4 papers ran out. Whatever is necessary for daily/weekly/monthly up-kept of school is catered for under TFF. Whatever is not remains the prerogative of the school, school board, parents and PEB. 

Education secretary and the minister can talk about 'not' charging project fee if they are running a school. They are not running schools. In fact, both are running a department  - the National Department of Education. They must refrain from (or withdraw) the directive given about non-payment of Project Fees and let schools decide.

Vote of No Confidence: Is Papua New Guinea Likely to See a Change of Government?

The stability of political parties in Papua New Guinea has been a topic of discussion lately, with many people believing that it would translate to stability for the government. 

However, the breakdown of the party membership has caused a complete breakdown of the party system, especially among the three major political parties that came in after the 2012 election. 

This situation has led to talks of a potential Vote of No Confidence (VoNC) against Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

Check out the analysis on the latest on VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE HERE

Members Deserting Party Leaders

More than half of Triumph Heritage Empowerment (THE) party, National Alliance (NA) party, and Papua New Guinea (PNG) party members have deserted their party leaders, with their members scattered throughout Parliament, from high-ranking government ministers to the opposition and from middle benchers to backbenchers.

Recent Developments

A report by the Post Courier revealed that 65 Members of Parliament (MPs) showed support for the Prime Minister at Paddy’s Bar on 9th February 2015. 

The report also indicated that three coalition parties had renewed their support for the Prime Minister and his People’s National Congress (27) amidst speculation of a VoNC. 

These parties were the People’s Progress Party (8), United Resources Party (7), and National Alliance (8).

Questions Arise

The leader of the People’s Party, Peter Ipatas, has not yet indicated his commitment. It is clear that his party has been with the Prime Minister all along, so there is no need to declare his support publicly. 

However, it would be right for the Enga governor to declare his party’s support for Peter O’Neill publicly like others have done.

The second biggest party, THE, whose deputy leader is Deputy Prime Minister, did not indicate its support for the Prime Minister. 

Obviously, Don Polye and Peter O’Neill are not on good terms, so there is no need for him to declare his support. This situation raises the question of where this places DPM, Leo Dion, who is still a THE party member.

Another question that arises is why the founder of the National Alliance party, Sir Michael Somare, was sitting on the middle bench during the recent parliament sitting. 

It is obvious that despite his reassurance, Hon Patrick Pruaitch does not have backing from Sir Michael Somare and Hon Kerenga Kua.

Independent MPs and Small Political Parties

There are 14 independent MPs who can move about at whim. Some have held ministerial portfolios, others joined larger political parties, but most were ‘scattered’ about with no party affiliation. 

Similarly, there are 14 political parties with less than 3 MPs. Those who have held ministerial portfolios are bound to stay foot, while others who have joined the government to collect Services Improvement Program funds are likely to be the first ones to jump ships if the tide turns.

The Unknown 46 MPs

A significant point to note is that 46 MPs were not with the group that pledged support for the Prime Minister. 

It is unclear who they are, and any insider will not put names to numbers, making the ‘number game’ shrouded in secrecy. Parties supporting the Prime Minister, including his own PNC party, have 54 members. Most of them would have turned up. 

It is worth noting that Peter Ipatas’ People’s Party has not publicly reaffirmed its support for the Prime Minister.

Conclusion: Peter O’Neill's Future

It is clear that Peter O’Neill cannot relax, as his 30 months of comfort and safety have expired. His greatest enemies may be his closest friends, as some MPs are with him just because of the

PNG Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (and MPs) Is A Failed Political Reform

Peter O'Neill's People's National Congress has the highest number of MPs (27) followed by Independent MPs (14); Don Polye's  Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party has 12 MPs; Patrick Pruaitch's National Alliance Party has 8 MPs; United Resources Party and Papua New Guinea Party has 7 MPs each. 

2022 election results

It is important to note that the list contained parties and names of MPs who contested under party banners. Many of the MPs who won under sponsored political parties like THE party have jumped ships. 

Others have joined government or defected to opposition and middle bench or scattered at the backbench, caught between party politics.

The three convicted MPs are from PNG Party (Francis Potape), PNC party (Havila Kavo) and PUA party (Paul Tiensten). PNG party has also lost Daniel Mona.

THE party leader, Don Polye, is the Opposition leader. His party deputy leader, Leo Dion, is the Deputy Prime Minister. How can a party leader be the leader of the Opposition while his deputy is the Deputy Prime Minister in the government on the other side of the house? 

This simply shows that party politics is fragile and pragmatic with no control measures to strengthen political parties. There is, now, a total collapse in the system and structure of political parties which is a cause for concern. 

The Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (OLIPPAC; passed in 2001) has failed. Stability within the party is non-existent. Unless political parties are strengthened, Independent MPs and smaller parties can do whatever they want on impulse.

           Name                             Political Party                                      Number of Members  

1         Joseph Lelang               Coalition for Reform Party                               
2         Sasindran Muthuvel       Coalition for Reform Party                               
3         Komun Joe Koim           Independent                                                     
4         Kila Haoda                     Independent                                                     
5         Noah Kool                      Independent                                                     
6         Ron Ganarafo                Independent                                                     
7         Bire Kimisopa                Independent                                                     
8         Robert Atiyafa                Independent                                                     
9         James Lagea                 Independent                                                     
10       Johnson Tuke                Independent                                                     
11       Camillus Bongoro          Independent                                                     
12       Nixon Mangape             Independent                                                     
13       De Kewanu                    Independent                                                     
14       Kelly Naru                      Independent                                                     
15       Solan Mirisim                 Independent                                                     
16       Richard Maru                 Independent                                                     
17       Loujaya Toni                  Indigenous People's Party                               
18       Malakai Tabar                Melanesian Liberal Party                                 
19       Dr Allan Marat                Melanesian Liberal Party                                 
20       Patrick Pruaitch             National Alliance Party                                     
21       Salio Waipo [2]              National Alliance Party                                     
22       John Hickey                   National Alliance Party                                     
23       Sir Michael Somare       National Alliance Party                                     
24       John Simon                    National Alliance Party                                     
25       Joe Sungi                       National Alliance Party                                     
26       Kerenga Kua                  National Alliance Party                                     
27       Jim Simatab                   National Alliance Party                                     
28       William Tongkamp         New Generation Party                                     
29       Ronnie Knight                New Generation Party                                     
30       Sir Puka Temu               Our Development Party                                   
31       Richard Mendani           Papua New Guinea Country Party                   
32       Jeffrey Kuave                 Papua New Guinea Country Party                   
33       Sam Basil                      Papua and New Guinea United Party (PANGU)      
34       Daniel Mona (Deceased)Papua New Guinea Party                                
35       Lukas Dekena                Papua New Guinea Party                                
36       Ross Seymour               Papua New Guinea Party                                
37       Francis Potape(Convicted)  Papua New Guinea Party                                
38       Jim Kas                          Papua New Guinea Party                                
39       Francis Marus                Papua New Guinea Party                                
40       Belden Namah               Papua New Guinea Party                                
41       Tommy Tomscoll           People's Democratic Movement                      
42       Paias Wingti                   People's Democratic Movement                      
43       Labi Amaiu                     People's Movement For Change Party            
44       Garry Juffa                     People's Movement For Change Party            
45       Charles Abel                  People's National Congress                             
46       Koi Trape                       People's National Congress                             
47       Jim Miringtoro                People's National Congress                             
48       Havila Kavo (Convicted) People's National Congress                             
49       Peter O'Neill                   People's National Congress                             
50       Francis Awesa               People's National Congress                             
51       Bob Dadae                     People's National Congress                             
52       Paru Aihi                        People's National Congress                             
53       Ereman Tobaining Jnr.  People's National Congress                             
54       Nixon Duban                  People's National Congress                             
55       Charlie Benjamin           People's National Congress                             
56       Paul Isikiel                     People's National Congress                             
57       Roy Biyama                   People's National Congress                             
58       Michael Malabag           People's National Congress                             
59       Mangere Siniwim           People's National Congress                             
60       Jeffery Komal                 People's National Congress                             
61       Louta Atoi                      People's National Congress                             
62       Boka Kondra                  People's National Congress                             
63       Isaac Waigavara            People's National Congress                             
64       Ano Pala                        People's National Congress                             
65       Gordon Wesley              People's National Congress                             
66       Aide Ganasi                   People's National Congress                             
67       William Powi                  People's National Congress                             
68       Ken Fairweather            People's National Congress                             
69       James Marape               People's National Congress                             
70       Mao Zeming                   People's National Congress                             
71       Benny Allan                   People's National Congress                             
72       Wesley Nukundj             People's Party                                                  
73       Peter Ipatas                   People's Party                                                  
74       Davis Steven                 People's Party                                                  
75       Mogerema Sigo Wei      People's Party                                                  
76       John Pundari                 People's Party                                                  
77       Robert Sandan Ganim   People's Party                                                  
78       Ezekiel Anisi 1               People's Progress Party                                  
79       Theo Zurenuoc              People's Progress Party                                  
80       Ben Micah                      People's Progress Party                                  
81       Titus Philemon               People's Progress Party                                  
82       Byron Chan                    People's Progress Party                                  
83       Sir Julius Chan              People's Progress Party                                  
84       Anderson Agiru              People's United Assembly Party                      
85       Paul Tiensten (Convicted)                People's United Assembly Party                      
86       Ati Wobiro                      People's United Assembly Party                      
87       Tobias Kulang                PNG Constitutional Democratic Party               1
88       Justin Tkatchenko          Social Democratic Party                                  
89       Powes Parkop               Social Democratic Party                                  
90       Joseph Yopyyopy          Social Democratic Party                                  
91       Mehrra Minne Kipefa     Stars Alliance Party                                         
92       Wera Mori                      Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
93       Julie Soso                      Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
94       David Arore                    Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
95       Don Polye                      Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
96       Mark Maipakai               Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
97       Douglas Tomuriesa       Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
98       Philip Nai                       Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
99       Leo Dion                        Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
100     James Gau Gelak          Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
101     Delilah Gore                   Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
102     Benjamin Poponawa      Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
103     Akmat Mai                      Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party           
104     Rimbink Pato                 United Party                                                     
105     Joe Lera                         United Resources Party                                   
106     William Duma                United Resources Party                                   
107     Mai Dop                         United Resources Party                                   
108     Benjamin Phillip             United Resources Party                                   
109     Dr Fabian Pok                United Resources Party                                   
110     Steven Pirika Kamma    United Resources Party                                   
111     Anton Yagama               United Resources Party                                   



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