Showing posts with label James Marape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James Marape. Show all posts

Vote of No Confidence in Papua New Guinea's May Parliamentary Session

Papua New Guinea's (PNG) politics is lighting up with a whirlwind of activity leading up to May 2024. The Opposition, under the leadership of Douglas Tomuriesa, has declared its intention to table a fresh motion of no confidence against the incumbent Prime Minister, James Marape, in the parliamentary session scheduled for May 28. 

This is not the first time such a motion has been tabled, with previous attempts providing valuable context for this latest development.

vote of no confidence in png 2024

The Power of the Vote of No Confidence (VONC)

The VONC is a potent instrument at the disposal of the opposition, enabling them to question the authority of the current Prime Minister. The forthcoming motion on May 28 marks the fourth such notice lodged by the PNG Opposition. But, this time, the nomination of East Sepik Governor Allan Bird as the potential Prime Minister is NOT made clear. 

The Acting Speaker, Koni Iguan, has been instrumental in this process. He has guided Tomuriesa to present a new motion, signifying that the opposition has the Speaker's approval to proceed with the vote. This counsel aligns with the parliamentary protocol, which mandates that the Private Business Committee (PBC) convenes on Wednesday 29th May 2024 to review all motion notices.

2024 Vote of No Confidence in Marape Govt Papua New Guinea

The Importance of Timing

The timing of the submission is pivotal. If the VONC notice is lodged on May 28, a Tuesday, the PBC is likely to deliberate on it the next day, May 29. Conversely, if the notice is submitted on May 29, the PBC would probably discuss it on the subsequent Wednesday, June 5. Once the committee approves the notice, it will be handed over to the clerk for presentation to the parliament. 

PNG's political climate is volatile and subject to rapid changes. The opposition's move to table a new motion of no confidence could further unsettle the country's political stability. This development coincides with a period of uncertainty for Marape's leadership, as government MPs anticipate the resolution of internal issues within the ruling Pangu Party. 

The potential consequences of this ongoing political instability, such as impacts on the economy and, infrastructure and social programs, are significant and warrant close attention.

Is Pangu Pati Intact?

Despite denials from prominent political figures, Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso and Finance Minister Rainbo Paita have categorically refuted any internal discord, dismissing such allegations as the handiwork of "fake social media spin doctors". 

They asserted that the Pangu Party is not up for grabs and challenged critics to wait until 2027 if they wished to question the party's authority. They also encouraged the opposition to propose alternative national policies. 

Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko recently reinforced the party's position, asserting that the government remains robust under Marape's leadership. However, there are dissenting voices within the Pangu Party, suggesting potential cracks in its facade. 


The impending VONC in PNG's May Parliamentary session is a crucial event in the nation's political landscape. It underscores the dynamic and fluid nature of PNG politics, where power dynamics can shift swiftly, and leadership roles are frequently contested. 

As the VONC date draws near, all eyes are on the PNG Parliament, keenly observing the unfolding political manoeuvres. 

The question on everyone's mind is: "Will the current Prime Minister, James Marape, defy the odds and overcome the looming Vote of No-Confidence against him and his government?" Only time will tell.

Prime Minister James Marape and Cabinet

Prime Minister James Marape Government's 33 cabinet ministers.

Image: Facebook/Sunday Bulletin 
1. James Marape - Prime Minister

2. Davis Steven - Deputy Prime Minister and Justice and Attorney General

3. Joseph Yopyyopy - Education

4. Lekwa Gure - Civil Aviation

5. Wera Mori - Commerce and Industry

6. Renbo Paita - Communication and Energy

7. Wake Goi - Community Development, Youth and Religion

8. Chris Nangoi - Correctional Services

9. Saki Soloma - Defence

10. Soroi Eoe - Foreign Affairs and Trade

11. Jeffery Kama - Environment, Conservation and Climate Change

12. Dr Lino Tom - Fisheries and Marine Resources

13. Sir Puka Temu - Bougainville Affairs

14. Elias Kapavore - Health and HIV/AIDS

15. Nick Kuman - Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology

16. Justin Tkatchenko - Housing and Urban Development

17. Petrus Thomas - Immigration and Border Security

18. Pila Niningi - Inter-Goverment Relations

19. Alfred Manase - Labour and Industrial Relations

20. John Simon - Agriculture and Livestock

21. John Rosso - Lands and Physical Planning

22. Kerenga Kua - Petroleum

23. Bryan Kramer - Police

24. Sasindran Muthuvel - State Enterprises

25. Westly Nukundj - Public Service

26. Emil Tammur - Tourism, Arts and Culture

27. William Samb - Transport and Infrastructure

28. Michael Nali - Works and Implementation

29. Solan Mirisim - Forest

30. Sam Basil - Treasury

31. Richard Maru - National Planning and Monitoring

32. Charles Abel - Finance and Rural Development

33. Johnson Tuke - Mining

Forced Resignation of Peter O'Neill and New Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea 2019 James Marape - EVENTS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER

Here is a compilation of the events dating back to Hon James Marape's resignation as the Finance Minister. This compilation of events will go down in the history of Papua New Guinea like the 1997 Sandline Crises when Sir Julius Chan was forced to vacate the Prime Minister's seat. This time is Peter O'Neill who was forced to resign after 7.5 years. 

Check out the analysis on the latest on VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE HERE 

History tells us that the PNC-led coalition snatched power from the NA led government when Sir M. Somare was hospitalised in Singapore and left the country under a cabinet that was called the 'Kitchen Cabinet'.

This time, the main dividing factor was misguided loyalty to Peter O'Neill and lack of trust in his leadership which saw disintegration within that Peoples' National Congress party. 

The events leading up to Peter Oneill's resignation are in reverse chronological order. As you read, bear in mind that there were twists and turns. But, all led to a forced resignation.

I'll park the events in order here so that in 30-odd years time, the children can read it and understand how these elected representatives - so called the leaders - behaved when it comes to changing the Prime Minister of the country.

PNG Prime Minister


30th May 2019

PNG has a new Prime Minister Hon James Marape Member for Tari-Pori
Vote count result 

Hon James Marape - 101

Sir Mekere Morata - 8

Wednesday 29th May 2019

“The Prime Minister has resigned so what it means is that there is now a vacancy in the office of the Prime Minister....this now means the Vote of No Confidence motion is no longer viable.” Political analyst and researcher Dr Joseph Ketan

With a vacancy available after the resignation of Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister, intense lobbying is underway before Wed at 10.00 am.

The Members of the People's Progress Party, People's National Congress Party and Pangu Party met at Crowne Hotel.

Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill has announced that he delivered his letter of resignation at 9.45am to the Governor General, Sir Bob Dadae.

Minutes earlier, the Speaker also told the house,  as the first order of business, that the Opposition had also filed a motion for a vote of no confidence.  

Mr O’Neill in welcoming the motion said it was an honour to serve as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea.

“We have had some profound achievements. We have delivered significant developments, particularly in the most remote areas through our DSIP and PSIP.

“We have constructed many teachers colleges and nursing colleges. These are some of the  things that we are very proud of.”

But the announcement was not satisfactory for  Madang MP, Bryan Kramer, who raised a point of order and asked for proof that Peter O’Neill had indeed resigned.  

“While I acknowledge the announcement by the Prime  Minister, there is a process in place and the process says that the Prime Minister will deliver his resignation to the Governor General and the Governor General will inform you.  I have not heard that from you,” Kramer said to the Speaker. 

“I want to know if the Governor General has confirmed the resignation.”

The Speaker then produced an acknowledgement letter from the Governor General’s Office.

“I want to let the house know that I have a letter from the Governor General.  I received it at 10.45am.  I want to tell this honourable house and the people of Papua New Guinea that the position of the Prime Minister is vacant. 

Tuesday 28th May 2019

Parliament Speaker, Job Pomat refuses to entertain Opposition motion, to remove him as Speaker.

⏳Opposition Leader and Aitape- Lumi MP, Patrick Pruaitch has been nominated as a candidate for the alternative Prime Minister ahead of Tari-Pori MP, after a secret ballot.

The results:
Patrick Pruaitch - 37 Votes
James Marape -  28 Votes

This comes ahead of this afternoon's Parliament Sitting.

An urgent Supreme Court application filed by Prime Minister Peter O'Neill seeking legal clarification on the process in relation to the proposed Motion on the Vote of No Confidence has been adjourned to this Friday. 

A three-man bench is of the view that the application was not urgent when it was listed for hearing this morning.

⏳Former Chief Justice Sir Arnold Amet speaks about the legality of the Supreme Court Application filed by Prime Minister Peter O'Neill describing it as 'abuse of process'.

Sir A. AMET “The suggestion that  Prime Minister can appoint a  caretaker PM or acting PM is wrong and unconstitutional.

Monday 27th May 2019

⏳Opposition yet to choose the Alternate Prime Minister.

⏰Sir Julius Chan has stated that he is not acting Prime Minister, although honoured to be considered as the Governments alternative when the resignation of the PM takes place.

“The existing Prime Minister has no power to nominate a new Prime Minister of his choice, Peter O’Neill simply designated me the provisional caretaker of the Government Coalition”

Sunday 26th May 2019

⏰ A planned conference by Sir Julius Chan at 11am this morning at the Ela Beach Hotel in Port Moresby has been moved to the Crowne Hotel where the Prime Minister's PNC led coalition is camped.

Peter O'Neill steps down as Prime Minister. Sir Julius takes over.

Peter O'Neill:  "I will be stepping down as Prime Minister.  Over the next few days and I will be visiting the Governor General. I want to say that it has not been easy."
#VONC #Handover #Oneill

⏳All three Oro MPs in Opposition after Masere joins Laguna camp, official headcount at 63.

⏳ Ijivitari MP, Richard Masere, was welcomed by James Marape. Masere said he made the decision to move on his own will because of continuous calls his people made in the last three weeks.

  Environment and Conservation Minister, John Pundari has joined the Opposition. 

Saturday 25th May 2019

Three days before the Vote of No Confidence the PM  Peter O'Neill PNC led government has 49 members. The Alternate Government claimed to have 62 MPs.

It is not clear who the new choice for Prime Minister from the Alternate  Government, yet.

Surely the number and momentum are on the Opposition/Alternate Government side.

Friday 24th May 2010

⏳The biggest partner in the O'Neill-Abel Government has moved to the Opposition.
William Duma and his United Resources Party made the announcement this afternoon after arriving at the Laguna.

⏳Mori move to alternative government

Commerce and Trade Minister,  Wera Mori, has announced his move to Opposition in the latest defection before Parliament sits on Tuesday. Wera Mori is the latest cabinet minister to leave the PNC-led coalition citing his dissatisfaction and lack of confidence in Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

Thursday 23rd May 2019

⏳Pangu Pati members showing support for the Alternate government

Former leaders of PANGU Pati have urged current parliamentary members to stand united in their efforts to change the country’s top political leadership. 

Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and Sir Rabbie Namaliu made this call when meeting with current PANGU Pati members in Port Moresby today.

⏰Minister for Fisheries and Kabwum MP, Patrick Basa, says he will remain loyal to the current O’Neill- Abel Government.

This is in response to comments made by people from his district, saying the Member needs to make his stance clear.

Tuesday 21st May 2019

Kabwum MP, Patrick Basa, is being urged to return to the district to explain his stance in the upcoming Vote of No Confidence. They say, the people deserve an explanation on what their elected representative will opt to do, come the VONC. His people feel overlooked in spite of the current political climate surrounding the Vote of No Confidence.

Monday 20th May 2019

⏳Opposition withdraws VONC motion and Marape steps down as Opposition's PM nominee.

The Opposition has withdrawn the vote of no confidence motion and in the same news conference,  Tari-Pori MP, James Marape,  stepped down as the alternative  Prime Minister candidate for the opposition.

The Opposition  Leader, Patrick Pruaitch, says the decision was reached after a consensus was reached between all factions of the  Laguna camp.

“In so far as the vote of no confidence is concerned, we have decided,   and I as the mover of the motion, have written to the clerk to withdraw the motion with the concurrence of our prime ministerial nominee, James Marape,”  Patrick Pruaitch said.

James Marape also released a separate statement saying his decision to step down was made in consultation with other members of the group.

Sunday 19th May 2019

⏰In a move that has been strongly criticised, PNG’s Attorney General applied for a stay order to stop the looming vote of no confidence motion in Parliament.

The Government says this is because they want to uphold the rule of law and the doctrine of the separation of powers.

On the political front, the interpretation of the move is many from the opposition - its a ploy to delay the vote. From the Government - they're simply upholding the rule of law.

Tonight we take a closer look at the legal intricacies and look at how all this might play out on the 28th when parliament resumes.

Friday 17th May 2019

⏰Attorney General, Alfred Manase, has instructed government lawyers to apply for a stay order on the vote of no confidence motion until all matters relating to the doctrine of the separation of powers are dealt with by the Supreme Court. 

The Attorney General stated that the urgent application is not to stop the vote of no confidence but to ensure the rule of law is respected and observed at all time.

“I want to announce to you and the people of Papua New Guinea that yesterday I filled an urgent application in the Supreme Court seeking an order from the court to stay the Parliament from entertaining the Notice of Motion of no confidence until the Supreme Court makes a final determination of a Supreme Court reference my predecessor, Davis Steve, file in the Supreme Court on 3rd of December 2018 (SCR 5 OF 2018)

⏰The Melanesian Alliance Party headed by Minister for National Planning and Monitoring, Sam Basil, opened their official office today.

The new Melanesian Alliance office was formally used by PANGU Party in the past.

Basil and members of MA were present at today’s opening.

⏰Rigo MP, Lekwa Gure, has officially taken on the responsibilities of the Civil Aviation Ministry from Alfred Manase.

At a formal hand-over-take-over meeting at the Civil Aviation Authority Headquarter in Port Moresby, heads of various regulators and entities provided updates to Minister Gure.

The new Minister is not new to the industry, having been an experienced airline pilot for over 30 years prior to entering politics.

He says his focus will be on strengthening the industry and enforcement to make the industry safer for the travelling public.

Thursday 16th May 2019

⏰New Attorney General, Alfred Manase has directed Government lawyers to apply for a  Stay Order on the Vote Of No- Confidence Motion by Parliament.

⏰ Forestry Minister and Member for Kiriwina-Goodenough, Douglas Tomuriesa, held a reconciliation ceremony to apologize for briefly siding with Opposition and renouncing his distrust in O'Neill let government.

⏳Member for Tari-Pori, James Marape is urging the Ombudsman Commission to table UBS Loan Report in Parliament, amidst speculation by the public.

Wednesday 15th May 2019
In anticipation to avoid the government playing delay tactic or avoid sitting on the 28th of May 2019, Rabaul MP Dr Alan Marat cautioned the Speaker.

⏳The Rabaul MP, Dr Allan Marat, has cautioned the Speaker of Parliament,  Job Pomat to remain independent and not adjourn Parliament prematurely when the house resumes on the 28th of May.

Dr Marat’s comments come after a media conference by the Parliamentary Clerk’s office in which it was stated the vote of no confidence will not happen this month if parliament doesn’t sit for a full week.

Tuesday 14th May 2019

⏰Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill says, his coalition still has the numbers heading into the next Parliament sitting on the 28th of May 2019.

He made these remarks at Government House during the announcement of new members joining his cabinet.

⏳Sir Puka Temu, former Health Minister and Member For Abau, resigned from the People's National Congress Party and has returned to the "Our Development Party." He feels the people of the Central Province should have benefited more under the Government.

Monday 13th May 2019

⏰Major reshuffling of PNC government ministerial portfolios.

  • Yangoru-Sausia MP, Richard Maru is now the Minister for  Finance and  Rural Development. 
  • Sam Basil, has been moved from the Finance Ministry to National Planning.
  • Elias Kapavore has been moved from Public Service to the  Health Department to fill in the vacancy left by Abau’s Sir Puka Temu.
  • Replacing Kapavore is Dei MP
  • Wesley Nukunj who has been given charge of the Public Service Ministry.  
  • Sumkar MP, Chris Nangoi, is now Transport Minister
  • Kundiawa-Gembogl MP,  William Onglo has been given the Defence Ministry. 
  • Former Air Niugini Pilot, Rigo MP, Lekwa Gure, is now the Civil Aviation Minister.
  • Lagaip-Pogera MP, Tomait Kapili, has been appointed Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Bougainville Affairs. 

Friday 10th May 2019

⏳James Marape and other members of parliament who defected from the People’s National Congress have accepted an invitation to join Pangu Pati. One week ago, Pangu was effective without a Party without a Parliamentary wing after 15 MPs resigned.

Thursday 9th May 2019

⏰Chaos in Pangu Pati as members split up. Morobe governor new Pangu Pati leader. Sam Basil joined Melanesian Alliance and remained with PNC government.

Tuesday 7th of May 2019

Parliament met for 2 hours. The tabling of Motion of Vote of No Confidence in PNC Gov't leadership.

⏰PM Peter O'Neill said after the Motion of VoNC “The government is well and truly solid, intact and we are ready to work.  As you can see with the partners led by all our coalition leaders, Sir Julius, Peter Yama,  Minister Duma, Minister   Basil and former Prime Minister Paias Wingti. We have shown courage to support a government that is working for the people of this country.

⏳The Opposition’s nominee for Prime Minister,  Tari-Pori MP, James Marape, was also furious at the manner in which the speaker ruled against an early resumption of Parliament.
James Marape also told the media that the government removed opposition MPs who were on a  Parliamentary Private Members committee that decides on the validity of votes of no confidence motions.

Parliament extended for 1 week and resumed on the 14th May for the actual VoNC to take place. Later, the parliament privilege committee extended the voting session for 21 days - VoNC session to take place on the 28th May 2019 (THIS DID NOT HAPPEN)

Monday 6th May 2019

- Laguna Camp named Hon. James Marape as Alternative PM.

- Nine former Pangu Pati members, led by Bulolo MP, Sam Basil have joined the Melanesian Alliance Party.

- Hon. Douglas Tomuriesa Member for Kiriwina Goodenough returns to Crown after spending time at Laguna.

- East New Britain Governor Nakikus Konga rejoins his party in the PNC led coalition despite turning up at Laguna camp this morning.

- Enga Governor, Peter Ipatas, joins Laguna camp.

- Parliament Speaker Hon. Job Pomat just arrived in Crown Plaza camp.

Sunday 5th May 2019

- All 5 Sandaun Province MPs including the Governor, Tony Wouwou, are now at the Laguna camp. They are Belden Namah (Vanimo-Green), Joe Sungi (Nuku), Patrick Pruaitch (Aitape-Lumi) Solan Mirisim (Telefomin).

Saturday 4th May 2019

- Deputy Prime Minister Charles Abel in the company of a lone Milne Bay governor (and after 5 hours delay) announced his continued support for Peter O’Neill.

- Laguna camp announced 57 MPs in camp and planned to review all agreements concluded recently by the O'Neill-Abel Government.

Friday, 3rd May 2019

- Douglas Tomuriesa, Member for Kiriwina-Goodenough, urges more Papuan MPs to join their cause.

- Member for Telefomin, Solan Mirisim, pushing for young leaders to make a stand.

- Dr Puka Temu, Member for Abau Open, joins the growing list of MPs dissatisfied with the Prime Minister. 

Sir Puka Temu said they have made a decision to move because of internal disagreements over how the country is being managed.

- All 15 Pangu MPs have resigned. 7 MPs have joined the 'Laguna' camp which now claims to have 51 members in total. It is unclear, what the Basil led faction is planning to do at this stage. 

Thursday 2nd May 2019

- The People's National Congress says the party has resolved "to back" Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister in the coming vote of no confidence. The party posted photos on its Facebook page claiming 38 members are intact. The caucus meeting initially planned for 6 May was moved to 1 May to counter moves by the opposition and defecting MPs. 
More updates to come. 

Monday 29th April 2019

- Tari Pori MP, James Marape, has announced that he is officially leaving the People’s National Congress citing lack of confidence in PNC party leader and PM O'Neill.

- Manus Governor, Charlie Benjamin and Okapa MP, Saki Soloma have also announced their formal exit from The People's National Congress Party.

Sunday 28th April 2019

- Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, has arrived back in the country from China

Friday 26th April 2019

- Governors Sir Peter Ipatas (ENGA), William Powi (SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS) and Phillip Undialu (HELA) resign from PNC

Friday 11th April 2019

Hon James Marape decided to resign as the Finance Minister. 

PNG Vote of No Confidence 21 days Delay - What Next?

The Papua New Guinea parliament adjourned for 21 days after one one-hour debate and tabling of the Motion of 2019 Vote of No Confidence. The parliament will resume on the 28th of May 2019 when the VoNC will take place. 


png ministers portfolios list 2024 pdf - current members of parliament in png 2023

Numbers Stack

Out of the 111 seats in the PNG parliament, 2 (Simbu Regional and Goroka Open) are vacant, 50 in the opposition and 59 in the government.

The opposition needs only 5 MPs to tip the balance in the 2019 Vote of No Confidence.

What Next - Government Camp 

21 days is a long time. However, Mr O'Neill mentioned that he'll need the time to rebalance his government. That means that he will award the 'goodies' where it's due. As reported by ABC resident correspondent
He [Peter O'Neill] says the adjournment is to allow him to appoint new ministers and to give them time to get across their portfolios. Nathalie Whiting
The defaulting ministerial positions are NOT vacant: Finance (filled), Attorney General (filled), and Defence (vacant). If new appointments are made, it means only one thing - there is likely to be a major reshuffle within the ranks and file of the PNC party-led government in the coming weeks before the  2019 Vote of No Confidence

This will result in the former Pangu Parti and People's Progress Party members being rewarded with a ministerial portfolio. Others will be looked after very well till the 21-day lapse. There are enough beds and breakfasts in the government's house. 

Meanwhile, a full tummy and a nice bed will keep a government MP happy for 20 days until the  2019 Vote of No Confidence.

What Next - Opposition Camp

As for the opposition camp, they need only 5 members to defect from the government and join them. Opposition with 50, add 5 will give them 55 to the government 54.

There are more than 5 members in the government camp who are at liberty to move at their own will such as Douglas Tomuriesa. Another group that can tip the balance of power is the provincial governors. 

The member for Bulolo and his 9 MPs were, once, a long-time opponent of the Prime Minister. Some PNC members are not settled for what they have. 

So, if the opposition plays its cards right, it might just topple the PNC-led government in 21 days' time. 


Here is a section of the earlier post...

Leverage the losses in opposing camps 

Gaining numbers is what matters for the opposition between the 7th and 21st of May 2019. Of all the MPs at work, there are Magnets, Dealers, Golden Oldies, Straight Shooters, Whisperers, Power Brokers and King Makers. 

This is how the 111 MPs can be classified.

  • Magnets are the prime minister candidates seen by the people and MPs as potential leaders; 
  • Dealers are also called the briefcase carriers who will do anything to open it; 
  • Golden Oldies are dinosaurs of PNG politics; 
  • Straight shooters are the young MPs who want a better future for PNG; 
  • Whisperers are the shadowy politicians, especially the MPs who have not made their stance clear yet. 

The next two classes of MPs are a class of their own: 

  • ↣Power Brokers are different from Dealers - Power Brokers leaders. They have great listening skills. When they speak, other MPs listen in return; and
  • ↣King Makers are a combination of Magnets and Power Brokers. They are good listeners. Their actions are too selfless.
On this note, in the  2019 Vote of No Confidence, you can classify your MP as a Magnet, Dealer, Golden Oldy, Straight Shooter, Whisperer, Power Broker and King Maker

Vote of No Confidence PNG: 5 Possible Moves to Deter Successful Vote of Confidence for James Marape

The opposition pick for the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea's position in the coming Vote of No Confidence on the People's National Congress Party leader is a strategic move. The pick further solidifies the number at Laguna. 

Check out the analysis on the latest on VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE HERE

Vote of No Confidence PNG 2019

UPDATE: VoNC to take place on the 28th MAY - 21 DAYS after tabling of Motion of VoNC

Mr Bryan Krammar MP hinted in his Krammar Report that the selection would be done by a secret ballot. That means that Mr Marape was selected among one or two others. However, he can be described as a driving force behind the Motion of Vote of No Confidence against the present prime minister.

James Marape's Strengths

Mr Marape had been the finance minister - the moneyman - for 8 years under the PNC Party. Mr Marape was a close confidante of PM Peter O'Neill. 

He knows how the prime minister spends the country's money. He knows how, when and where he gets money since 2012. 

He also knows Peter O'Neill massive investments deals past and present. And, probably, he knows better the PNG and Papua LNG projects deals.

He cited 'trust issues' as the main reason for resigning. We may NOT know what the real causes of distrust are. In hindsight, the PNG/Hela LNG project benefits and the new Papua LNG project deals were seen to be the main 'push factors'. 

Make no mistake, Marape could just be the best man in this political manoeuvring!

Mr Marape is a young leader/MP among the likes of Mr Bryan Krammer, Garry Juffa and Alan Bird. He also has the admiration of the old MPs like Kerenga Kua, Sir Mekere, Dr Marat, et. al. 

What is wrong with Prime Minister Peter O'Neill?

Definitely, no sane minister will leave the comfort of their perks and privileges and move to form a new government. No governor will leave the PNC party if 'the grass is still greener'. 

Something is not right and it is serious. 

Apparently, the defecting PNC members mentioned 'trust and confidence' issues in the PM has deteriorated lately. Understandably, a government formed by a coalition partners makes up the National Executive Councils (NEC). And any economic, investment, social, development or political decision MUST be a compromise - a decision based on parties consensus.

Unfortunately, many defecting PNC MPs including its coalition partners saw an absence of leadership based on respect and mutual parties consensus. 

Motion of Vote of Confidence May 7th 2019

The key to a successful change of government is not the numbers. ( I beg to differ here). It's money (the root of all evil?)!

In fact, the number is the result of hidden deals, manoeuvring, phone calls and sweet talks. Expect the unexpected, right?

Young and mature leaders moving for the change in the prime minister are not used to sweet-talking. Many of them are straight talkers. At present, it seems only the forward-thinking MPs will change the government and we need 60 of them.

Unfortunately, two ministers moved in between camps namely Mr Douglas Tomuriesa Member for Kiriwina Goodenough and East New Britain Governor Nakikus Konga. Mr Tomuriesa openly rebuked the leadership of the PNC government but returned to their camp the next day.

Do not trust what comes out of every MP's mouth. Like a dog that eats its vomit, an MP walks right back on his words with the tails between his legs. 

We never know until the Motion of Vote of No Confidence is tabled in parliament and voted. There are 7 days from the time of Motion of VoNC when the real VoNC takes place. So, stay strong. (Update: the parliament privilege committee extended the voting session for 21 days - VoNC session on the 28th May 2019)

5 Possible Outcomes of VoNC 2019

Several moves can jeopardise the impending Vote of No Confidence against Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and his divisive PNC party. 
  • Big promises and large sums of money at play
MPs jumping ships. Some MPs (not all) like to hear sweet promises and the smell of money. 

It could be hard for political yoyos to avoid such 'pull factors'. The only way is to pause and reflect on the last 8 years of each MPs experience. 

And, make the decision based on the reasoning rather than emotion.
  • Dealy tactic on legal interpretation on VoNC 2019
This is highly likely in the event that the current government spots any irregularities in either the opposition's PM choice or the technical aspect of VoNC. PM will seek the legal interpretation of and validate technical aspects of the VoNC 2019 if there is any chance of delaying the event.

This tactic was used on many occasions in the past by the government. Unfortunately, it further throws decent on public opinion about government. 
  • Speaker siding with the government 
The Speaker is with the government. His neutral stand in the event of a VoNC on PNC government is the key to tabling the Motion of VoNC successfully. 

Not entertaining motion or citing some minor technical issues can frustrate the opposition attempt on the VoNC. 
  • Prime Minister Resigning 
The prime minister will not resign. He has the power strongly welded in his hand. In fact, if he resigns, his ability to control the MPs also diminishes. He will not resign.

  •  Leverage the loses in opposing camps 
Gaining number is what matters between the 7th and 14th May 2019. Of all the MPs at work, there are Magnets, Dealers, Golden Oldies, Straight Shooters, Whisperers, Power Brokers and King Makers. This is how the 111 MPs can be classified.
  • Magnets are the prime minister candidates seen by the people and MPs as potential leaders; 
  • Dealers are also called the briefcase carriers who will do anything to open it; 
  • Golden Oldies are dinosaurs of PNG politics; 
  • Straight shooters are the young MPs who want a better future for PNG; 
  • Whisperers are the shadowy politicians, especially the MPs who did not make their stance clear yet. 
The next two classes of MPs are a class of their own: 
  • ↣Power Brokers are different from Dealers - Power Brokers leaders. They have great listening skills. When they speak, other MPs listen in return; and
  • ↣King Makers are a combination of Magnets and Power Brokers. They are good listeners. Their actions are too selfless. 
On this note, you can classify your MP as a Magnet, Dealer, Golden Oldy, Straight Shooter, Whisperer, Power Broker and King Maker.

⏪A replay of the events leading up to PNG VoNC 2019

Tuesday 7th May 2019 (Motion of VoNC)

At the ring of the bell at 2 PM, the speaker enters the parliament and takes his seat. He'll acknowledge the motion for Vote of No Confidence. 

Parliament will extend for 1 week and resume on the 14th May for the actual VoNC to take place. (Update: the parliament privilege committee extended the voting session for 21 days - VoNC session to take place on the 28th May 2019)

Monday 6th May 2019

- Laguna Camp named Hon. James Marape as Alternative PM
- Nine former Pangu Pati members, led by Bulolo MP, Sam Basil have joined the Melanesian Alliance Party.
- Hon. Douglas Tomuriesa Member for Kiriwina Goodenough returns to Crown after spending time at Laguna.
- East New Britain Governor Nakikus Konga rejoins his party in the PNC led coalition despite turning up at Laguna camp this morning.
- Enga Governor, Peter Ipatas, joins Laguna camp
- Parliament Speaker Hon. Job Pomat just arrived in Crown Plaza camp.

Sunday 5th May 2019

- All 5 Sandaun Province MPs including the Governor, Tony Wouwou, are now at the Laguna camp. They are Belden Namah (Vanimo-Green), Joe Sungi (Nuku), Patrick Pruaitch (Aitape-Lumi) Solan Mirisim (Telefomin).

Saturday 4th May 2019 

- Deputy Prime Minister Charles Abel in the company of a lone Milne Bay governor (and after 5 hours delay) announced his continued support for Peter O’Neill
- Laguna camp announced 57 MPs in camp and planned to review all agreements concluded recently by the O'Neill-Abel Government.

Friday, 3rd May 2019

- Douglas Tomuriesa, Member for Kiriwina-Goodenough, urges more Papuan MPs to join their cause.
- Member for Telefomin, Solan Mirisim, pushing for young leaders to make a stand.
- Dr Puka Temu, Member for Abau Open, joins the growing list of MPs dissatisfied with the Prime Minister. Sir Puka Temu said they have made a decision to move because of internal disagreements over how the country is being managed.
- All 15 Pangu MPs have resigned. 7 MPs have joined the 'Laguna' camp which now claims to have 51 members in total. It is unclear, what the Basil-led faction is planning to do at this stage. 

Thursday 2nd May 2019

- The People's National Congress says the party has resolved "to back" Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister in the coming vote of no confidence. The party posted photos on its Facebook page claiming 38 members are intact. The caucus meeting initially planned for 6 May was moved to 1 May to counter moves by the opposition and defecting MPs. 
More updates to come. 

Monday 29th April 2019

- Tari Pori MP, James Marape, has announced that he is officially leaving the People’s National Congress citing a lack of confidence in PNC party leader and PM O'Neill
- Manus Governor, Charlie Benjamin and Okapa MP, Saki Soloma have also announced their formal exit from The People's National Congress Party.

Sunday 28th April 2019

- Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, has arrived back in the country from China

Friday 26th April 2019 

- Governors Sir Peter Ipatas (ENGA), William Powi (SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS) and Phillip Undialu (HELA) resign from PNC

Why Teachers Leave Fare Not Done on Time?

James Marape (former Education Minister) sympathized with teachers and blamed the Education Department for failing to work out leave entitlements for teachers on time. He is the Treasury minister and admitted to availability of money - so money is not why teachers have not received their leave fares.  

2022 Teachers leave fares

Nick Kuman, the Education Minister, said teachers and Provincial Education Authority were at fault. Teachers are confused and or ignorant for not submitting their leave application before April. 

He also lashed out at provincial education officials for not facilitating the submission of leave entitlements.

 Cheap politics by passing the buck

Obviously, the two ministers are playing cheap politics by passing the buck from the National Department of Education to PEA and teachers. Are teachers confused and ignorant? 

Is NDoE not doing its part? 

Is the problem with Provincial Education Authority?

It is ominous that politicians are politicians, not educationists - they get 5 times as much as teachers. 

They do not live a teacher's lifestyle and they do not experience a teacher's pain at the end of the year.

Deal with teachers' leave entitlements properly

They should talk about giving hard-working teachers what they deserve. They shouldn't play politics with them. James Marape knows well. This is a problem that occurs year after year.

If I was the Education Minister, I would have summoned the Education Secretary, PNGTA president, all (22) Provincial Education Advisers and provincial education officials responsible for dealing with teachers' leave entitlements to a round table discussion, and sort this MESS out - once and for all. 

Sadly, a simple teacher is not a 'talking'  Education Minister.

Over to yours, Mr Minister. Stop the blame game. Do the right thing. Until then, the teachers will have to hope that this year ends well. 


EDUCATION Minister Nick Kuman says the issue of leave fares for teachers was caused by mismanagement from the provinces concerned, which is affecting teachers.

He said the Education Department cannot be blamed for not paying teachers to leave fares.

"The department does not keep monies for leave fares and leave entitlements," Mr Kuman said.

He said there are some provinces that have not got it right while others have.

The minister explained to the Post-Courier yesterday that since certain government functions were decentralised, provinces now take the responsibility to take care of their own teachers.

The Education Department is responsible for the national functions of schools of excellence, vocational schools and teachers' colleges.

The minister emphasised clearly that every teacher eligible for a six-week leave (after two years) should apply for leave a year earlier and before the month of April.

This is so that their leave fares and entitlements are catered to in a budget for each year.

"I have directed the Education Department to remind teachers of that directive," the minister said.

Mr Kuman said teachers are the last people who should be confused about this directive.

"Educated people such as teachers know about this directive and should not be ignorant," the minister said.

Mr Kuman said some provinces such as Morobe, which have a very large number of teachers, must be managed well by the provincial education authorities and treasury office. Teacher leave fares have been chronic issues for years but is slowly been addressed by provinces.

Still, some provinces fail teachers but the minister said authorities are in the current dialogue to address this issue.

Former Education Minister James Marape's Statement

The Education Department should process teachers' leave entitlements before the end of an academic year and allow them to go on holidays on time.

This should be done before December, but when Government books are closed Education department cheques are not recognised by the banks.

Finance Minister James Marape raised this concern in a media conference at his Vulupindi office in Port Moresby yesterday.

"We are a Government and we have money all the time to run this country. The delay in teachers' leave entitlements is not the Government’s fault nor is it a cash-flow problem in the system as claimed by the Opposition.

"It is caused by the Education Department, which failed to work out teachers' entitlements prior to the close of accounts."

He says what happens is when Government accounts are closed in mid-December all funds of Government held by state agencies and departments are pulled back into the Department of Finance for the accounts to be tied up therefore obviously there was no money in the education department when the cheques were drawn.

He says, instructions were issued to all agencies and departments to go to finance if they needed to make some emergency payments based on the main 2014 budget and the 2014 supplementary budget as it was the only department in operation during the close of business but the education department failed to follow the instructions.

"It has been a problem for a long time so the education department and other concerned departments and agencies should put their heads together and come up with a system which will work better," he stressed.

"As the former education minister I sympathise with all the teachers out there for the delay and I’m sure the current Education Minister Nick Kuman will get his staff to liaise with concerned agencies and come up with a solution," he said

"We have a whole year to work on the teacher's entitlements, you don’t come on December 25 crying for leave pay, teachers should be already in their villages celebrating holidays by then," he said

Meanwhile, Mr Marape says he will issue the first warrant for 2015 next week Monday to officially open government business for the year.



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