Showing posts with label HELP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HELP. Show all posts

PNG Higher Education Scholarships: What Are TESAS, AES, HECAS and HELP?

The Papua New Guinea government offers scholarships to help talented students pursue higher education. The TESAS and HELP programs provide financial assistance to deserving individuals, regardless of their academic background or financial situation. These scholarships offer a gateway to academic success and career opportunities for PNG students.

PNG Higher Education Scholarships Two Key Components

The three key components of the Tertiary Education Student Assistance Scheme (TESAS) are the:

  • Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES) and 
  • Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme (HECAS).

These scholarships, collectively known as the TESAS, aim to support academically brilliant students and facilitate their academic development. 

Higher Education Scholarship in PNG

Find out how to calculate GPA here.

AES: Recognising Academic Excellence (1)

The AES is awarded to students with exceptional academic performance throughout their studies, typically with a high GPA. These scholarships provide a full tuition waiver, accommodation allowance, and a modest living allowance. 

By recognising and rewarding academic excellence, AES empowers students to pursue their passions and contribute positively to PNG's future.

HECAS: Addressing Financial Burdens (2)

The HECAS, on the other hand, is designed to assist students who may face financial constraints while pursuing higher education. These scholarships cover a portion of tuition fees, reducing the financial burden on students and their families. 

HECAS ensures that financial limitations do not hinder students from pursuing their academic aspirations.

Here is a guide for Self-sponsored students to secure TESAS, click here to get more information.

Gender Equity Scholarships (3)

The Gender Equity Scholarship was created to promote gender balance in higher education. It encourages women who have completed high school to pursue bachelor's degrees in fields where they are currently underrepresented. 

This merit-based scholarship is only open to women who have been accepted into an approved bachelor's degree program. The scholarship is only for the first year of bachelor's degree studies, but successful recipients will be considered for AES or HECAS scholarships in subsequent years. 

Only 50 scholarships are awarded each year, and the eligible fields and programs are announced in October.

Benefits of TESAS Scholarships

The TESAS scholarships offer a multitude of benefits to PNG students:

1. Financial Support: Scholarship recipients receive financial assistance, easing the financial burden and allowing them to focus on their studies.

2. Scholarly Excellence: AES recipients are recognised for their academic achievements, fostering a culture of excellence and motivation among students.

3. Access to Higher Education: Both AES and HECAS provide opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds to access higher education, regardless of their financial circumstances.

4. Career Advancement: By providing a strong educational foundation, TESAS scholarships empower students to pursue careers that contribute to PNG's socioeconomic development.

Guiding Principles for TESAS Scholarships

The PNG Higher Education Ministry through DHERST upholds several guiding principles when administering TESAS scholarships:

1. Merit-Based Evaluation: Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, ensuring that deserving students receive recognition and support.

2. Transparency and Accountability: The scholarship process is transparent and accountable, ensuring fairness and adherence to established guidelines.

3. Continuous Improvement: The TESAS program is constantly evaluated and refined to ensure its effectiveness in supporting students and fostering educational excellence.

The Role of HELP Studentship Program

In addition to TESAS, the PNG government introduced the HELP Student Loan Program (Higher Education Student Loan Program) to further support students pursuing higher education. 

This loan program provides financial assistance to students who do not qualify for TESAS scholarships. The HELP program aims to bridge the financial gap and ensure qualified students are allowed the opportunity to pursue higher education.

The HELP student loan program is:

  • a new student loan program that offers interest-free loans to students who are enrolled in a higher education institution in Papua New Guinea.
  • designed to be more affordable and manageable than standard loans, and it offers a repayment grace period after graduation.
  • a great way for students to start building their credit history.
  • a valuable resource for students who need financial assistance to attend college or university.

Students do not need to repay their HELP loans until they graduate, and they will have six months to find a job before payments begin. 

To find out about How to Apply for the HELP Student Loan Program, click here


TESAS, AES, HECAS, and HELP are the PNG government's initiatives to empower PNG's youth to pursue their academic aspirations and contribute to the nation's development. 

These programs play an important role in fostering a well-educated and skilled workforce, laying the foundation for PNG's continued progress and prosperity.

This is an UPDATE of the article that first appeared here.

How to Apply for DHERST Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)

If you are a student in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and need financial assistance for your higher education, then the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) offered by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) can be a good option for you. 

The HELP program for 2023 application will be open from 20th March 2023 to 31st October 2023. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of applying for the HELP loan program.

Here is the latest article on the TESAS & HELP Student Loan Program

Eligibility Criteria for HELP

Before applying for the HELP program, you need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You must be a PNG citizen.
  • You must be enrolled and registered at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) recognized by DHERST.
  • The study program undertaken by the applicant is accredited by the National Higher and Technical Education Board (NHTEB) or by another authorised body.

HELP Student Loan Application Timeline

The HELP program facilitates 4 batches every year. If you do not apply or do not submit your loan application in a batch, you have the flexibility to apply in the subsequent batch. The application timeline for HELP 2023 is as follows:

Batch Application Period

  • 1  20th March - 30th April
  • 2 1st May - 30th June
  • 3 1st July - 31st August
  • 4 1st September - 31st October

The last (4th) batch and the HELP application cycle for this year will be closed as of 31st October 2023. 

DHERST will not accept any applications from students who applied and submitted the HELP after this date.

How to Apply for DHERST Higher Education Loan Program HELP 2023

Requirements to Apply for HELP Loan

To apply for the HELP loan program, you need to fulfil the following requirements:

Signed HELP Declaration Form: Enquire about the HELP declaration form from your institution. Fill out the form and submit it to your Registrar and/or Student Data Officer with one of the mentioned ID documents.

ID Document: You need to submit any one of the following ID documents along with your HELP declaration form:

  • Gr 12 certificate
  • Student ID
  • PNG NID/birth certificate
  • Passport
  • Driver's license


Apply for DHERST Student Loan

Your Student Data Officer (SDO) at your institution will issue HELP login credentials to you. If you have forgotten your password, you may check with your SDO to get a new one.

First-year students who had NOAS credentials from 2022 and had their enrollment status confirmed by SDO can use the same credentials to apply for HELP. The same applies to continuing students who previously applied for HELP, they can use the same credential to reapply for HELP this year.

The HELP 2023 timeline will be made available to the HEI through the Registrar's office during the registration period.

Contact DHERST

For further information, please contact the DHERST Support Service at

Or visit HELP login page

The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) by DHERST is a great initiative to provide financial assistance to students who want to pursue higher education in PNG. 

If you meet the eligibility criteria and follow the application guidelines, you can apply for the HELP program and avail the benefits of the loan. 

We hope this blog post has provided you with all the necessary information to apply for the HELP program in 2023.

Note: This information appears on DHERST website.

PNG Government Scholarships: What Does TESAS, AES, HECAS and HELP Mean?

Students TESAS (Tertiary Education Student Assistance SchemeAward Status indicates the type of PNG govt scholarship offered to students. It is a merit-based award. 

AES is awarded to the best-performing students (with a high GPA).

The number of scholarships available to continuing students (and new intakes) is determined by the availability of govt funding and HEIs GPA cut-off, yearly. Details of funding and GPA for each HEI in the country are the work of DHERST. Here are some guides to TESAS and GPA.

Read about the PNG Universities and Colleges 2023 Acceptance List Info, TESAS, HELP Loan and Registration and Orientation - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

  • AES - Academic Excellence Scholarships
  • HECAS - Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme

DHERST TESAS Award list for New Intakes (SL & NSL) and Continuing students for 2023 was released today - download the PDFs here 




TESAS: AES & HECAS Stats that matter

We kept some 'stats that matter' based on the TESAS Award list for New Intakes over the years. Here is the stat for the TESAS Awards for Continuing Students in 2021.

  • 82 Continuing students on AES 
  • 6779 Continuing students on HECAS 
  • 6861 Total Students on TESAS

Note: The figures do not include the NEW INTAKES. 

The DHERST Selection List for New Intakes was released a day after the Continuing Students TESAS Award List. Read about the NEW INTAKES 'stats that matter'

Some HEIs have not submitted their continuing students' GPAs to DHERST. Those institutions are not included in the TESAS list released by DHERST.

Download the Continuing Students List for HEIs

Some HEIs have not submitted their Continuing Students GPA lists for the 2021 academic year. Students who are attending those institutions will expect delays at the Beginning of Year Travel and TESAS payments.

The students attending those institutions should call the Students' Admin for more information. 

2023 self-sponsored students who have secured a scholarship must make travel arrangements with their universities or higher institutions. 

Recommended reading: How to Secure a Govt Scholarship - TESAS

Re-admission and self-sponsored students

The advice from DHERST for students whose names are NOT on the list:

Be advised that students whose name do not appear on the list [ Continuing Students approved list] should consult your respective HEIs to confirm your progressive status for 2021. (DHERST, press release, 26/01/2021)

Why are only 6861 Continuing Students on TESAS?

Here is what DHERST said about it...

"The number of applications for TESAS Awards with a qualifying minimum GPA level is typically greater than the number of available TESAS Awards.

It should be noted that some program admission requirements of institutions might include a different weighted consideration of grades and/or prerequisite subjects with minimum grades, due to their particular academic requirements. As such, Awardees are selected within program quotas on a merit basis. This means that not all applicants with a qualifying GPA level will receive an award." (DHERST, website)

Another reason is that the 2021 TESAS award list does not include some HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) that did not submit the student GPAs to DHERST. And their students may not have been included in the official list released on the 26 of January 2021.

TESAS PNG Govt Scholarship Funds

TESAS selection continuing students

In a National Newspaper report, the secretary for higher education said that they only received K36 million (out of the K68 million required TESAS funding) for 2021. The question was why half of the required TESAS fund?

In 2020, the PNG govt, through DHERST, implemented the students' assistantship scheme - the Higher Education Loan Program, or HELP. The same year, the govt allocated K220 million to fund HELP.

The higher education secretary said

... 6,637 students applied for HELP this year [2020] and K28,109,457 was paid by the Government.

How do students apply for HELP?


HELP aims to enhance the quality of higher education. The studentship program also aims to ensure access to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees is available to eligible students.

Firstly, students must demonstrate that they are enrolled in a registered institution to apply. This program is led by the DHERST with data and input from the HEIs in the country.

Students who wish to apply for this loan should complete the HELP Application Form. See your HEI/Student Admin for more info. That means all students (both continuing and new intakes) should register at a HELP-participating institution.

Then, see your students' admin/support staff and complete the application form. The respective HEIs will launch the forms, on your behalf, with DHERST and let you know of the outcome.

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.


If you have any questions, please comment below and let us know.

DHERST HELP Application Form 2024 Info

Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), is the government of Papua New Guinea’s new initiative aimed at enhancing access to quality tertiary education. 

HELP addresses the increasing number of students unable to access post-secondary education due to a lack of financial resources. HELP provides all eligible higher education students with an income-contingent loan with zero-based interest. 

This new article has the latest on the DHERST Students Loan Program - Click on the link to find out about the timeline and application eligibility criteria.

Loan repayments commence once the students graduate and on the commencement of paid employment.

Here is a post about DHERST Selections that provides information for Schools Leavers and Non-School Leavers.

DHERST HELP Application Form 2024 Info - DHERST HELP Application Form 2024 Get more info at

NEC Decision on HELP And First Batch of Students Loans.

HELP loans were first issued to eligible students on 15th May 2020, following earlier landmark policy initiatives of the Marape Government formalised in NEC Decision 179/2019.

In the short time available and given the scope and complexity of the scheme it has been a remarkable achievement in simply establishing the regulatory arrangements for the HELP  program.

DHERST acknowledges the excellent whole-of-government coordination and support received from other agencies in bringing the HELP program on stream so promptly and efficiently. 

The cross-agency support from our colleagues in Finance, Treasury, State Solicitor, First Legislative Counsel, Personnel Management and IRC; and of course, the many DHERST staff working closely with the management and staff of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and potential applicants to successfully implement the program.

2023 HELP Application Eligibility

In the second year of rollout, the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) will be available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

To be eligible for this loan from the government, the student must:

  • Be a citizen of Papua New Guinea
  • Enrolled in an institution registered under DHERST
  • Must study a program accredited by the National Higher and Technical Education Board (NHTEB)

The NHTEB is the accrediting body operating under the DHERST. All students applying for the HELP must meet the above requirements to proceed to the next step, which is completing the declaration form.

Digitalisation of higher education - HELP online

Enhancing the digitalization of education in the higher education sector, the HELP application is done online. 

Once the students are enrolled and declared interest in applying for HELP, further assistance can be sought from the Registrars or Student Finance Offices at their respective higher education institutions. 

Students are also advised to check for updates on the Higher Education Loan Program HELP page.

HELP Application Timeline

January –April: Declaration of forms issued by HEIs to interested tertiary students; Students sign declaration forms; Declaration forms collected.

2: May: HELP online App launched; SDO Accounts created; SDOs confirm student details

3 June: Students receive credentials; Students apply for HELP; First Semester instalments paid out.

SOURCE: DHERST Quarterly Newsletter ONLINE, December 2020, Volume 3

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think. 


FUNDING for next year’s (2021) tertiary education study assistance Scheme (TESAS) and higher education loan programme (HELP) are available now, Fr Jan Czuba says.

The Department of Higher Education, Science, Research and Technology (DHERST) secretary told a press conference recently that the Government had allocated K230 million for Help and K37 million for TESAS.

This new article has the latest on DHERST Students Loan Program - Click on the link to find out about the timeline and application eligibility criteria.


“We are blessed that we have the Help programme and this is a big help to students that cannot afford to pay,” Fr Jan said.

“We didn’t receive as much as required.

“K68 million was required but we got K37 million.

“Tesas is important because our prime minister wants to encourage students to study hard and academic competition is very important.

“I think we can negotiate some amendments with our Government for Tesas.”

Earlier, Fr Jan said 6,637 students applied for Help this year and K28,109,457 was paid by the Government.

He said it was likely that the number of students that would apply for Help next year would increase because this year would be the first year.

“Students from institutions that are registered with DHERST are eligible to apply for the help programme,” Fr Jan said.

He said students had to demonstrate that they were enrolled in a registered institution in order to apply.

“Help cannot be given to students until such time we have confirmation from the institution that the student has enrolled under the institution,” he said.

The HELP initiative aims to enhance and increase the quality of higher education and ensure continuous access to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees available to eligible students.

It is not compulsory and students can choose whether or not to apply.

Source: The National Newspaper/ By JINA AMBA

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think. 

DHERST HELP Loan Application for Tertiary Institutions in PNG

ELP application form: As for the present DHERST HELP applications, Fr Jan explained that students applying for this loan have to fill out the application form and leave them with their respective administration for enrolment purposes
The NBC News reported earlier this year that a Temporary Declaration Form which is similar to HELP Loan Application Form was issued by the Secretary’s office to all tertiary institutions and colleges in the country.

Many students who applied for loans this year got assistance from their universities and colleges to do that. But what about next year, 2023? 

This new article has the latest on DHERST Students Loan Program - Click on the link to find out about the timeline and application eligibility criteria.

The information is sketchy at the moment. But, here is information available form to us from what the former higher education secretary had said about the HELP loan.

DHERST HELP Loan Application for Tertiary Institutions

Help application online 2023

In 2021, the then DHERST secretary Fr Jan mentioned that the HELP application form would be downloaded online so that students do not have to go through the dept, or contact them, to get a PDF application form.

Here is how the application for the DHERST HELP program will (is intended to) work:
  • Visit DHERST website
  • Access DHERST HELP electronic application app
  • Download the 2023 application form, 
  • Complete the application form, and
  •  Send them back to DHESRT before the deadline.
This new article has the latest on DHERST Students Loan Program - Click on the link to find out about the timeline and application eligibility criteria.

Note that DHERST has NOT implemented the online application system yet on their website. Nor have they released the HELP Online Application Handbook that Fr Jan mentioned. 

We will put a direct link here when they release it this year. 

department of higher education loan application 2022

Management of HELP Students Loan Funds

The government has released a total of K220 million for the Higher Education Loan Program or HELP student loan scheme for the academic year 2021. In fact, DHERST made an initial submission for K350 million but was only given K220 million.

Fr Jan Czuba stated that this amount is sufficient and would not often be fully used and whatever remains can be rolled over to next year’s (2023) allocation.

The Higher Education Secretary said three options have been discussed and looked at as the avenue where this fund will be managed.

He said they are considering options that are going to be transparent and also to ensure the money grows instead of being used up.

Higher Education Secretary Fr Jan Czuba said the release of funds is for implementation in April this year (2021)

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think. 

Higher Education Tuitions Assistance Schemes TESAS and HELP will run simultaneously

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape says the Government has not scrapped the Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme (HECAS) and Academic Excellence Scholarship (AES) in favour of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).

help loan and tesas (hecas and aes) remain PNG

He said this today when clarifying misconceptions among students and institutions that HECAS and AES had been done away with.

 “HELP is a facility made available by Marape-Steven Government for students who will need help for their tuition fees this year and beyond,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“AES students will continue to receive this Government incentive, but there are still many students who remain outside of formal Government assistance, for whom HELP is intended.
“Students who need assistance are required to present their acceptance letters at registration.

“School registrars will facilitate their enrolment with tuition fee guaranteed from the HELP scheme. 

“This is not compulsory, but for students who need a helping hand.”

Prime Minister Marape also clarified repayment time for the HELP.

“This loan scheme will not be burdensome on present student borrowers,” he said.

“It will have no time limit for repayment, is interest-free and you can take your life-time to repay. 

“It is structured in a way to give assistance but, has citizen responsibility towards repaying.
“Into the future, a correct endowment fund structure will be set up to ensure sustainability for future generations. 

“We also thinking of linking 7 per cent of National Gaming Board funds into this scheme for student assistance. 

“During the course of the academic year, working together with Census 2020, proper National Identification (NID) numbers of students will be issued.

“We will entrench this scheme for 2020 and beyond.”

Next Tuesday, Prime Minister Marape and Higher Education Minister Hon. Nick Kuman will meet all universities and college administrators to tidy up on this facility, as well as 2020 school programmes, so there are no hiccups.

“Government will work with the schools to ensure timely quarterly disbursements to schools, starting at the opening of the academic year 2020,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“I am adamant that this must happen.

“Where there is a will, there is a way.

“The rich and employed can afford school fees for their children, but what about those who can’t afford?

“This policy is for them.”

Approved for Release.  January 13th 2020

Source: Facebook, PM & NEC page, 14/01/2020

HELP Studentships: What Are the Benefits? Media Statement

Below is an adapted version of the media statement released by DHERST per the HELP (PNG Higher Education Loan Program) studentship load program for 2020. The original version can be found via the link provided below. 

IMAGE: DHERST Media Release

Key points about PNG Higher Education Loan Program

  • HELP student loan is 'interest-free' with lenient repayment plans and schedules
  • Application for HELP is online via DHERST website
  • Students will begin repayments on their loan about six months after their graduation
  • HELP studentships will commence during the opening of the first semester of the academic year 2020.
  • You DO NOT have to get the loan if you can afford to pay higher-education fees or have secured a sponsorship.
  • HELP covers a wide range of students as long as the students secured a place at a tertiary institution in the country: self-sponsored, drop-outs/self-withdrawn, selected students, post-graduate students, etc
One disparity between an NBC new article (READ IT HERE) and this press release is the difference in HELP 'commencement dates'. But, understandably the date of commencement stated by DHERST (first semester of the academic year 2020) could be considered.

HELP is 'far-reaching'

Government is committed to providing financial assistance to students this year through the innovative and far-reaching HELP program that has been carefully designed with the PNG context in mind.

Whilst we wish to reward academic excellence, it should be noted that HELP will fund those students who, for different reasons, may have not met the qualifying criteria for TESAS.

To clarify the situation, during this academic year a full awareness-raising program will be carried out across all institutions of higher learning and the public at large.

The HELP program is inclusive and will also extend to those students who are self-sponsored. 

In future years the program will embrace students who have ‘dropped-out’ for whatever reason and wish to return to further their education in either government or private higher education institutions.

Government is firmly committed to the principle of equal value in education, seeing it as a fundamental right, and will ensure that no child or student is left behind.

How to apply for HELP?

Those seeking access to HELP studentships will download and complete application forms from the DHERST website once they have enrolled with, and been accepted by, an HEI for the 2020 academic year. 

During the coming year, we will register all prospective students through the issue of National Identity Cards.

The rollout of the HELP studentships will commence during the opening of the first semester of the academic year 2020.

Many people are understandably hesitant to borrow money. Any loan is a serious commitment, and should not be entered into lightly.

Having said that, student loans are often necessary to make it possible for a young person to fulfil their university or college dreams.

HELP terms and provisions

The PNG Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), offers special terms and provisions that make them a more affordable and manageable commitment for young university or collegebound students.

Around the world, most student loans offer lower interest rates, but the PNG HELP is interest-free, provides for deferred payment options together with a repayment grace period following graduation.

Under the HELP, student borrowers can also take advantage of more lenient repayment plans and schedules that are exclusive to HELP, unlike the more restrictive terms and conditions of a standard loan.

HELP studentships offer greater flexibility and more manageable terms and conditions than standard non-education loans.

For many students, an education loan will be their first major financial transaction. While taking out a studentship may seem a daunting prospect, it is also the perfect opportunity to begin to build a solid credit history.

HELP is the beginning of many students' financial history. By keeping up to date on all university or college loan repayments a student can begin to lay the foundation of a good credit score, which will prove greatly beneficial in later life.

One of the many advantages of a HELP studentship is that the student does not need to repay before he or she graduates. The HELP scheme will allow students time to seek a job before repayments commence.

Generally speaking, students will begin repayments on their loan about six months after their graduation.

Benefits of HELP Loan

There are clearly many benefits of a HELP studentship.

Naturally, there will be students who are wealthier than others and who may not need to consider such an offer. However, for most students, a HELP studentship is a means (way) of allowing them (poor students) to concentrate on their studies rather than worrying about the source of funding for their tertiary education.

Professor Fr. Jan Czuba
Secretary DHERST

Source: DHERST, HELP Studentships: What Are the Benefits? [ORIGINAL PDF DOC] released 13th January 2020

Note: The media statement was adapted for an easy read. The signed original copy can be found via the link above. 

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think. 


The government introduced, Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) will be ready for students to apply in the Second Semester of 2020.

DHERST HELP Load Updated Info

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying. Click on the links to read the latest articles about the HELP loan program.

nid and tin required tor HELP application
NID & TIN required for HELP application

  • DHERST will facilitate the Student Loan Scheme (HELP)
  • HELP application will open from 27th April 2020
  • Prerequisites for loan include National Identification Card (NID) and Tax Identification Number or (TIN)
  • HELP will be the only available Students’ scholarship in the future
  • Continuity of HELP per student is based on GPA
  • Help is available for higher education courses, PhD, Doctoral, Masters and other postgraduate programs
  • Student Application for the HELP loan is online
Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Secretary, Fr Jan Czuba in a statement says this an instruction from Prime Minister James Marape and DHERST Minister Nick Kuman.

Fr Jan Czuba said since it’s a new system being introduced; it requires some time from both the department and the students to finalise everything.

He said it also gives time to students to gather their required documents such as National Identification Card or NID) and Tax Identification Number or (TIN). These are important prerequisite requirements when submitting Applications for HELP.

HELP application will open from 27th April 2020, online via DHERST website and as notified in press and media advertising.

During the period of January to May 2020, there will be a transition from TESAS to HELP. DHERST will be working very closely with all Higher Education Institutions over the transition period to ensure that all students are well informed about HELP.

As of May 2020, TESAS awards will cease for good and HELP financing will commence. HELP will be the only available Studentship for all students for years to come.

HELP will provide student support for multiple years of study as long as students continue to meet the required academic and non-academic criteria.

HELP will also be available for PhD, Doctoral, Masters and other postgraduate programs, meeting the Government’s goal in providing a full range of quality education at the post-secondary level and beyond.

Fr Jan Czuba also announced the total amount of money each student attending tertiary institutions is eligible to apply.
“Students attending colleges and Poly-Technical colleges either public or private, as long as the colleges are registered by us and program accredited, the students will be eligible to apply K5000 per year.
“Students who are doing university level will apply for K10 000 per year.
 “Students who do Masters Degree or other Post-Graduate studies like Bachelors or Honors will apply for K15000 per year.
Students who are doing PhD or Doctorate can apply for K20 000 per year,” the Secretary outlined.

Fr Jan said, for a start, the students will receive less but as the year goes by the loan amount might increase.
“Currently we have the Students Higher Education Loan Program Handbook for students’ ready.“We have the Lease Agreement between students and Government is ready.“Now we are developing this electronic application and it should be ready soon, so students don’t have to go to the bank or come to us to get the application form.“They will go to the Website, they will download the form, fill them online and send them back to us, so the process will be very fast, said Fr Jan Czuba.
The Secretary said this will save time and cost for parents and students as everything will be done electronically.

In the meantime, Fr Jan Czuba said, those students on TESAS will continue but for self-sponsored students will have to meet their own registration fees for the first semester only.

SOURCE: NBC News | 08/01/2020 | Facebook Notes



Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF

Download University of Goroka Application Forms PDF