Showing posts with label 2023 grade 12 selection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023 grade 12 selection. Show all posts

When will DHERST Publish 2022 Grade 12 Selection Lists for 2023 HEIs?

The higher education department (DHERST) will launch the Grade 12 National Online Selection on the 21st of December 2023. So what does the launching mean; and when will DHERST publish the 2023 Grade 12 Selections Lists for the 2024 academic year in the country?

Here are 5 points that students, parents and guardians should know as they check their names on National Online Selection System (NOAS). 

Check NOAS Selection Status (1)

Students can view their selection STATUS through their individual National Online Application Accounts. The 2023 Grade 12 students should use their NOAS login details to access their accounts and confirm their selection status for the 2024 academic year.

For the latest on key dates released by DHERST, check this article.

In fact, this is the final outcome of your School Leaver's Choice on the National Online Application System. 

The selection status on DHERST National Online Selection System is 'provisional' only. That means two things: 

  • first, the HEI will send you an offer letter, also called the acceptance letter, to confirm your placement with the institution; and
  • second, DHERST will formally publish your name on the 2023 Grade 12 selection list PDF on its website.

What should you do if you are selected? (2)

Congratulations if you are selected to continue to a tertiary institution in 2024. There are several things that you should find out. 
  • Are you on TESAS (AES, HECAS)?
  • Will you be a SELF-SPONSORED student?
  • When are you likely to see your name on the 2023 DHERST selection list?
  • Should you inform your institution that you've accepted that offer?
At least, try to find out the answer to the 5 questions as you prepare to go to your new school. 

Here is an article that can help you prepare for registration and orientation week. It gives details to documents you need to present at registration, fees and what to do to get yourself prepared for the new academic year. 

2022 DHERST Selection list PDF - Study Online in PNG

DHERST new Grade 12 data (3)

Note that there are ONLY 16,171 spaces available at the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Papua New Guinea according to DHERST's new data

For the 2022 Academic Year, there were 

  • 31, 817 students were nominated to sit the exams; 
  • 26,544 students certified;
  • 16,171 total HEI quota ; 
  • 10,373 Grade 12 students will NOT be selected for 2022 HEI studies.

Many Grade 12 students, like in the past years, will not get an HEI placement though they may have really good grades.

If you have secured a placement, you should be proud of yourself!

Important Announcement from DHERST 2023 (4)

DHERST and HEIs will use Grade 12 students' data in the National Online Application System (NOAS) to confirm their selections. Here is what DHERST has to say:
  • Your (Grade 12 Students) data from the MyNOAS data field has been forwarded to the Higher Education Institution that selected you.  The HEI will communicate directly with you to inform you about the specific details of the institution, including how to accept your offer. 
  • Note that the response contained therein (in the NOSS) is not an admission confirmation. You should expect to receive official notice through an admissions offer letter directly from your Higher Education Institution (HEI).
Many Grade 12 students will NOT be selected for 2024 HEI studies. If you feel that you have made the Grade, but missed out, here is a story that will inspire you. 

Read about Sharlyne's story. She completed Grade 12 at Marianville Secondary School. Her Grade Point Average (GPA) was above the cut-off mark for entry into UPNG, but she missed out on the selection.

Grade 12 selection list - Study Online in PNG

When will DHERST Publish 2023 Grade 12 Selections Lists for HEIs?

DHERST  launched the Grade 12 selection List on the 21st of December 2023.

Here are the important dates for Grade 12 students.



Students apply for tertiary programmes

Monday 28th August- Friday 08th December, 2023

Grade 12 national examinations

Monday 16th – Friday 20th October, 2023 (DONE)

NOAS Grace Period

 Tuesday 12th December- Friday 15th December, 2023

Launching of 2022 selection for 2023 academic year

Thursday 21st December, 2023

Check out the latest information on 2022 Grade 12 and 10 Exam Results and Selection Dates.

How to enrol at FODE?

If you want to upgrade your marks at FODE or at any University Open and Distance Learning Centres, here is some information that you'll find useful. Click on the link to read more. 

We hope this gives you an idea about what to expect between now and then. Share this with your friends and family and let them know about this information, too.

All the best in 2024!

2023 Grade 12 Students SLF Grace Period - Why GP is Important

2023 DHERST GRACE PERIOD: Present Grade 12 students are in a privileged position to make the right choices for their Grade 12 School Leavers. They can adjust their choices based on their exam marks, unlike in the past.

DHERST Online Application 2023 (NAOS)

Firstly, the National Online Application System (NOAS) gives the students the right choice upfront by highlighting (in red) the 'ineligible' options. 

There is no room for getting the choices wrong. Secondly, the students have 5 choices. That means 5 chances of getting into a tertiary institution. 

In the past, Grade 12 students did not have the chance to change their choices after they've filled out the manual School Leaver's Form (SLF). Nor do the past students have 5 choices, they were limited to only 3 choices.

The Grade 12 students should make full use of the Grace period and maximise their chances of securing a space for 2023 at a tertiary institution in the country.

Important Dates and Expectations

Here are some important dates for examinations, results and selections in Papua New Guinea.

(The latest dates for exam results and selections are now available here.)

  • Third Week of December 2023: DHERST launches 2023 selection for the 2024 academic year
  • Mid-December 2023: NOAS grace period
  • Second week of December 2023: Education Department through MSD releases Grade 12 Exam Results to Higher Education Department, DHERST.
  • First Week of December 2023: Grade 10 and 12 Exam Results Launched, students can check their results now.

  • Late November 2023: Education Officers/GES start 2022 Grade 11 Selections (GRADE 11 SELECTION NOW IN PROGRESS)

Note that PNG Insight adhusted the dates based on previous years experience. The exact dates are either likely to fall around the same time or differ by a few days. We will keep you updated as/when the exact dates for these important education events have been released.

Based on the dates above we can infer that the 2022/2023 Grade 11 selection lists will be released on the first or second week of December 2023.

2023 Grace Period - Why it is important

The Grace period lasts only 5 days. 

This is the time when Grade 12 students should 'adjust' their choices. It should be straightforward because DHERST would have indicated on NOAS whether a student is eligible for selection or not depending on the examination marks. 

Here is what DHERST say about the importance of the Grace Period:

''This [Grace Period] is a crucial period where you will start making your choices based on your final grade 12 results hence make sure to access your account during the mentioned dates. If you see the red highlight indicated in any of your five choices under “My Choices”, this means that your final result has not met the minimum program requirement set by the institution. Therefore, you must change the red highlighted choice to a different program that is available in your program list.'' DHERST

The online selection is quick. The Grade 12 students in the country have around 4/5 days to adjust their choices to the more suitable ones. 

DHERST will NOT grant you access to making changes during the weekend or the next Monday of the following week to make any changes.

This GraCe period's due date is final.

Launching 2023 selections for 2024 academic year

The online selection via DHERST's National Online Selections System (NOSS) will do the magic in 3 days. 

DHERST may launch the 2023 selections for the 2024 academic year the week following the Grace Period's due date, possibly on Tuesday of that week, as it did in the last 3 years.

There were issues last 2022 when the Department of Higher Education had to republish the selection listing. 

If all goes to plan this year, students are likely to see their selection status by the date announced by DHERST. We hope all goes to plan. 

How to Check Your 2023 Grade 12 Exam Marks

By now, you should know your Grade 12 exam marks. The marks are accessible through My PNG Exam Results website. 

Note that DHERST does not display the Grade 12 students' exam marks.

DHERST Online Application (NOAS)

NOAS remains the property of the National Government of Papua New Guinea and is administered by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST).

NOAS facilitates national admissions and selections into higher education institutions in PNG. This portal facilitates Grade 12 school-leaver application.

Non-school leaver applicants

Non-school leaver applicants must contact directly the institute of their choice and follow non-school leaver application requirements.

Contact DHERST

For further information, please contact the DHERST Support Service

Source: DHERST 

Updated info on HELP students loan programs

DHERST Online Application 2023 - 2024 selections (NAOS)

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.

DHERST Online Selection - Grade 12 Online Exam Results vs Grade 12 Online Selections

The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) clearly differentiated between the Grade 12 Online Exam Results and Grade 12 school leavers' online selections. 

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection started in 2018. It is the best thing that happens. The online selection helps DHERST, the government and stakeholders know exactly how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

In a recent media statement, DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here


The message below is DHERST's explanation of the two selection processes. 

"We wish to inform and clarify to the general public that the publishing and or release of Grade 12 Results is the responsibility of the Measurement Service Division of the National Department of Education and NOT the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST).

The National Online Application Systems (NOAS) is a separate system developed by DHERST for Grade 12 students to apply for further studies. The NOAS is not currently used for publishing Grade 12 Results, but rather to allow Grade 12 students to finalize their choices for further studies.

The National Department of Education have recently launched a separate system and website to access Grade 10 and 12 final results. To obtain Grade 12 final marks, please contact the National Department of Education or check their website. [DHERST Support Service, Facebook 06/12/2018].
online slf 2024 grade 12 selection
MS PPT Image

In fact, two education departments are facilitating the Grade 12 results and online School Leavers Application (SLA) at this time of the year. 

First, the results - both Grade 10 and 12 results - are the works of the Measurement Services Division (MSD) of the National Education Department. 

Anything to do with the RESULTS is through this web address Perhaps it is important to know that the results are only provisional. That means that the results and other details like name-spelling that may have errors are subject to final changes.

Check out the latest article on Grade 12 DHERST Online Selection >>> Click Here

Second, the Grade 12 online selection for the tertiary institution is the work of DHERST. And, the online selection to tertiary institutions in the country comes under DHERST. 

This web address ( links to online applications and services the higher education department provides.

Fact files: Number of students year-by-year

  • DHERST online selection began in 2017. So, the 2021 Grade 12 online selection was the 5th year of implementation. Students going to tertiary institutions in forecasted to remain at the 2018 figure of ~12000 - 13000 students. 
  • 30711 Grade 12 students completed school in 2020, up nearly 1500 students from 2019. No significant increase in the number of students entering tertiary institutions in PNG.
  • A total of 29,000 Grade 12 students took the exams in 2019. An increase of nearly 5000 spaces from 2018 
  • A total of 12,234 students were selected to commence the 2018 academic year (47% of the 25,848 who applied)

DHERST and MSD Online result and selection systems

  • MSD's inaugural online platform is for checking Grade 10 and Grade 12 results. It was implemented in 2018.
  • Only two students preferences on the SLA in 2017 (5 preferences in 2018, 2019 and 2020)
  • Students with a GPA of 2.3 or above were considered for selection in 2017 for 2018 entry into Higher Learning Institutions. The same for the 2018 selection for 2019 and the 2019 selection for 2020.
  • The students selected via the DHERST online application platform are NOT automatically awarded a PNG government's TESAS scholarship (HECAS or AES). ONLY those who receive a scholarship award letter are on TESAS. 
  • SELF-SPONSORED STUDENTS - if you are selected but did not receive the award letter from DHERST, consider yourself a self-sponsored student.

The Gr 10 and Gr 12 online results for2023

For more information on the latest results, visit PNG Insight or click on the image to go directly to the *NEW* website.
We followed the developments in education over the years and have a collection of educational Apps and websites. Click here to check them out. You may also find our article on Grade 10 Online results here helpful. 

If you have any questions about the  Grade 12 selection process, PDF list, etc., please leave a comment below or check out this latest update on PNG Universities Non-School Leavers Selection.

About PNG Insight

PNG Insight is an education blog. It aims to highlight the key developments in the education sector in Papua New Guinea. Started in 2014 on Google's blogger (now self-hosted on WordPress), PNG Insight strives to be a platform for critical thinking and discussions; and a source of information.

You can follow us on Twitter (@PNG_Insight) for information on Education and Development in Papua New Guinea.



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