Showing posts with label Tertiary Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tertiary Education. Show all posts

DHERST Acceptance List PDF: PNG Universities and Colleges HECAS LIST for 2025

Several readers have contacted us regarding the Acceptance Lists for PNG Universities, particularly the 2025 HECAS List for Non-School Leavers, School Leavers, and Continuing Students. This article aims to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect between now and early February 2025.

So, whether you're a non-school leaver, school leaver, or continuing student, read on and prepare yourself!

We've also included recommended blue links throughout this article, providing detailed information on pressing questions currently on the minds of many students and parents.


  • NSL: The 2025 HECAS Lists for Non-School Leavers, Re-enrolled Students and Continuing Students will first appear on the university's website or in the newspapers before being shared through social media channels and other websites. This also includes Online Students. Therefore, checking the official university website or the newspapers remains crucial for Non-School Leavers, Re-enrolled Students Continuing Students and students enrolled on online studies.
  • SL: Grade 12 School Leavers Selection Lists published on the DHERST website will show HECAS Status (That also includes AES status for top Students). DHERST has scheduled the launching of the 2025 School Leaver Acceptance on the 18 of December 2024. Students can check their NOAS accounts to verify their selection status. The actual publication of the 2025 Grade 12 Acceptance and Admission Lists (and 2025 HECAS Lists PDF) will take place after 18 December 2024. The date has not been released by DHERST yet. 

UPNG Acceptance List PDF HECAS LIST 2025

Non-school Leavers Acceptance List

The Non-School Leavers' Acceptance List (NSL) for 2025 features students who did not graduate from Grade 12 in the last five years. This list also includes foreign students and PNG students applying from overseas schools such as those in the US, NZ, Australia, and Singapore.

Important Note: DHERST does not publish the NSL. Instead, each university you applied to will release its own NSL PDF before the academic year begins. So, check the websites of the universities you applied to for the latest updates.

Top Tip: Check the university websites for past year's NSL selection lists. This will give you a good idea of when to expect the 2025 NSL to be released.

Alternatively, PNG Insight keeps a checklist to help you follow up. You can check IF your university's Non-school Leavers Acceptance List has been released yet.

2024 UPNG UOG Non school Leavers acceptance list - MBA Online Degree

2025 Continuing Students Acceptance List

If you are a continuing student, your university will put out the continuing students' acceptance lists at the end of the academic year or over the 2024/2025 Christmas holiday. It is your responsibility to find out your GPA and possible TESAS Status for the academic year 2025.

The best thing to do is to contact the Student Admin or the university or college Registrar and find out if they've released the Continuing Students Acceptance List. And importantly, check to see that your name is on the list. 

The University of Goroka (UoG) did well last year by informing its continuing students about their status before they went home for the Christmas holiday. We hope UoG does the same this year because it helps massively with the registration and orientation of its NEW students.

In fact, the other universities and colleges in PNG should do the same by informing the Continuing Students to avoid the long queues and unnecessary delays during the registration week.

2025 School Leavers HECAS List PDF - DHERST

The Grade 12 School Leavers Selections is solely done by DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) through its National Online Application System (NOAS) and National  Online Selection System (NOSS).

If you are a 2024 Grade 12 student, your selections and the announcement of your TESAS status will be formally done by DHERST. 

When is DHERST HECAS List PDF coming out?

After the launch of NOAS 2024 Grade 12 Selection, school leavers and non-school leavers should know whether they are selected to a University or College, or not. 

In fact, the higher education department (DHERST) planned to launch the Grade 12 National Online Selection on the 18 of December 2024. 

Both the School Leavers and the non-school leavers, and continuing students (and students in the NATIONAL ADMISSION POOL) will have to wait until ALL the names (quotas from each university and college) have been confirmed, compiled and released to the general public. 

Only then, the students should be able to know their confirmed HECAS/AES List PDF and determine their final TESAS STATUS.

Here is a detailed article about when DHERST is likely to release the Acceptance List for PNG Universities and Colleges

Check out this video info we provided last year - it is still relevant to this year's selections and release of the Acceptance List PDF

Are you on TESAS (AES/HECAS List 2025)?

DHERST used different statuses to indicate the TESAS Awards for selected students. 

The awards are based on the PNG government’s yearly sponsorship for students under the AES and HECAS categories, excluding the self-sponsored or corporate and overseas-sponsored students. 

Read this article for the meaning of the acronyms (TESAS, AES & HECAS) and what they mean.

So how will the NSLs, Grade 12 SLs and Continuing Students know if you are on TESAS or not? You can CONFIRM your scholarship status (whether you are on TESAS or self-sponsored) through the final (official) Acceptance List released by DHERST. 

DHERST Acceptance List 2024 for 2025 HECAS LIST PDF

What to do as a Self-sponsored student?

Perhaps the important thing is to confirm your PNG GOVT SCHOLARSHIP (TESAS-HECAS-AES) status on the 2025 Tertiary Institution's Acceptance List

As the name implies, if you are a self-sponsored student you'll have to pay your own fees before the registration and orientation. 

If you do not pay the required fees, your place will be forfeited - another student in the admission pool who has the money will take your place.

Check with your university or college to confirm how much you MUST pay to register. In addition, this information will be contained in the Acceptance Letter your institution sends to you. Make sure you read and understand what you must do before admission.

The best tip is to pay only the required amount, register and apply for the PNG govt's HELP program - read how to apply below.

Secure HELP - PNG Govt Scholarship

DHERST will facilitate the Student Loan Scheme (HELP or Higher Education Loan Program). 

If you are a self-sponsored student, you'll have to pay your fee for the first semester of 2025 and apply for the HELP loan.

The Continuing students and School Leavers can apply for the HELP loan program through their university or college. This also includes those who are doing their masters or doctorate studies. 

Check with your institution and ask for a HELP student loan application form. Also, find out about the due date and what to do so that your application is successful.


What to do if you are on DHERST's NATIONAL Admission Pool?

If you are a student on DHERST's National admission pool, you'll have to log in to your National Online Selection Account between now and before the academic year 2025 starts to see if you have been offered a placement at a university or college in PNG.

To give you an idea, the 2021/2022 selection had:
  • 31, 817 students were nominated to sit the exams; 
  • 26,544 students certified; 
  • 16,171 total HEI quota for 2021; and
  • 10,373 Grade 12 students will NOT be selected for 2022 HEI studies.
The good news is that there are 6,319 spaces (formally called quotas) to be filled via the Admission Pool. 

So, keep checking to see if you are one of the lucky ones from the admission pool admitted to a university or college. Here is a video on PNG Insight YouTube Channel that explains how the QUOTA works.

Registration and Orientation info for new students

Congratulations if you are selected to continue to a tertiary institution in 2025. There are several things that you should find out. 
  • Are you on TESAS (AES, HECAS)?
  • Will you be a SELF-SPONSORED student?
  • When are you likely to see your name on the DHERST selection list?
  • Should you inform your institution that you've accepted that offer?
At least, try to find out the answer to the 5 questions as you prepare to go to your new school. 

Here is an article that can help you prepare for registration and orientation week. It gives details on documents you need to present at registration, fees and what to do to get yourself prepared for the new academic year. 

Recommended reading for NSL, School Leavers and Continuing Students

Additional information for Non-school Leavers, Continuing Students and Grade 12 School Leavers are provided in the LINKS within this article.

Check out the links if you need more information on TESAS (HECAS & AES), how to get the  HELP govt loan or about being a SELF-SPONSORED student.

You can also leave a comment to let us know what you think.

(Follow PNG Insight on YouTube here)

Grade 12 Students SLF Grace Period - Why GP is Important

The DHERST Grace Period offers a unique opportunity for current Grade 12 students to make informed decisions for their School Leavers Form (SLF). Unlike previous years, students can now adjust their choices based on their exam marks during this period. 

NOAS Application Eligible Programs During the Grade Period

DHERST Online Application 2024 (NOAS LOGIN) 

DHERST Online Application System (NOAS) The National Online Application System (NOAS) significantly enhances the selection process. It provides students with upfront clarity by highlighting ineligible options in red, minimizing the risk of mistakes. Students can make up to five choices, increasing their chances of getting into a tertiary institution. 

Previously, the manual SLF allowed only three choices and did not permit changes after submission. Grade 12 students should maximize the Grace Period to secure a spot for 2024 at a tertiary institution. 


Key Dates (expected) 2024/2025

The following important dates are crucial for examinations, results, and selections in Papua New Guinea: 

  • Mid-December 2024: DHERST launches the 2024 selection for the 2025 academic year. Early-December 2024: NOAS Grace Period. 
  • Second Week of December 2024: The Education Department, through MSD, releases Grade 12 Exam Results to DHERST. 
  • First Week of December 2024: Grade 10 and 12 Exam Results are launched. 
  • Late November 2024: Education Officers/GES start 2024 Grade 11 Selections. These dates are based on previous years and may vary slightly. 
The 2024/2025 Grade 11 selection lists are likely to be released in the second or third week of December 2024. 
DHERST Online Application 2023 (NAOS)

Importance of the Grace Period 

The Grace Period lasts five days, during which Grade 12 students should adjust their choices. DHERST will indicate eligibility on NOAS based on examination marks. 

Here’s what DHERST says about the importance of the Grace Period: 

 "This [Grace Period] is a crucial period where you will start making your choices based on your final grade 12 results. Ensure to access your account during the mentioned dates. If you see a red highlight in any of your five choices under 'My Choices,' this means your final result has not met the minimum program requirement set by the institution. Therefore, you must change the red highlighted choice to a different program available in your program list."

The online selection is quick. Grade 12 students have around five days to adjust their choices to more suitable ones. DHERST will not grant access to make changes after this period. The Grace Period's due date is final. 

Launching 2024 Selections for the 2025 Academic Year 

The online selection via DHERST's National Online Selections System (NOSS) is efficient, completing the process in just three days. 

DHERST may launch the 2024 selections for the 2025 academic year the week following the Grace Period’s due date, likely on the following Tuesday, based on past trends. If all goes to plan, students will see their selection status by the announced date. 

Checking Your 2024 Grade 12 Exam Marks 

By now, students should know their Grade 12 exam marks, accessible through the My PNG Exam Results website. Note that DHERST does not display Grade 12 students' exam marks. 

NOAS, administered by DHERST, facilitates national admissions and selections into higher education institutions in Papua New Guinea. It primarily serves Grade 12 school-leaver applications. 

Non-School Leaver Applicants Non-school leaver applicants must contact their chosen institutions directly and follow the respective application requirements. 

For further information, please contact DHERST Support Service at 

 Stay informed and proactive to make the most of this critical period in your academic journey.
Firstly, the National Online Application System (NOAS) gives the students the right choice upfront by highlighting (in red) the 'ineligible' options. 


  • The latest dates for exam results and selections are now available here.)
  • By now, you should know your Grade 12 exam marks. The marks are accessible through My PNG Exam Results website.

Lae School of Nursing Application 2024 and Admission Info

Non-school leavers who want to apply to the Lae School of Nursing for 2024, the application is NOW ONLINE. PNG Insight understands that in the past the nursing college used to accept the application form in PDF. However, the Lae School of Nursing is now going online. They have a brand new website and are accepting applications online.

The best thing to do is to apply online.

How to apply to Lae School of Nursing for 2024?

The information below is all you need to know to apply successfully as a non-school leaver (NSL). Read on to find out.

Check out the information on GPA for Lae School of Nursing, click here

Lae School of Nursing Acceptance list 2023- lae school of nursing application form 2023 pdf

To apply to Lae School of Nursing:

  • Visit this URL (It will take to you the college's website)
  • Click on the 'Apply Now' Button
  • Fill in the Google Form & complete the application for 2024.
Check out all the colleges and university information for non-school leavers applying to study next year.

Requirements to Apply online to Lae School of Nursing

  • All applicants are required to have a Gmail account in order to access the online application. You can create one if you don't already have one. This is so we can automate immediate confirmation notifications to your Gmail account as well as store your data for future reference concerning applications. If you are not already signed in to your Gmail account, you will be asked to before you can fill in your online application
  • You will only be allowed a single application per Gmail account. After you submit it, you will not be able to submit another application.
  • However, you will be able to edit your submitted application for the remainder of the application duration. Meaning that when the application closes, you will not be able to do any edits to your application

The Closing Date of the Online Application is usually in July. 

Nursing Program at Lae School of Nursing 

The Lae School of Nursing offers three (3) year's Diploma in General Nursing. 

The course curriculum is based on PNG Nursing competency standards as a benchmark which a student must achieve in the following areas of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

During the first two (years) of training, year one and two students are sent to urban clinics, Angau Hospital and rural communities to gain clinical experiences.

In the third year of study, students do their clinical practices at Angau Memorial General Hospital and Lae urban clinics. For rural block practicums, students are usually sent to rural health facilities in Morobe, Madang and Highlands Provinces for 8 weeks.

The academic program in a year has two semesters. Semester 1 begins in February and ends in June and 2nd semester begins in July and ends in November. 

Course fees

lae school of nursing course application form and fees 2023

Teaching and learning facilities

The campus has teaching and learning facilities which have, two-story buildings; one located on the southern end caters for, on the 2nd floor has three lecture rooms and the ground floor has two practical laboratories and a tutorial room. 

The second academic building, on the 2nd floor, caters for a library, ICT, conference room and post-graduate midwifery course practical and lecture rooms and academic staff office. 

On the ground floor, it has a kitchen & dining hall, administration office and academic staff office.

Lae School of Nursing Acceptance list

The acceptance list for Lae School of Nursing for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to the Lae School of Nursing will have to check the institution for the non-school leavers' acceptance list 2024. This list will also be published by DHERST on its website together with the final TESAS list before the academic year starts
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

About Lae School of Nursing

The Lae School of Nursing is an affiliated college with the PNG University of Technology. It was established by the Australian Government under the Ministry of Health in 1964. 

From 1965 up to 1980, it ran several different nursing programs: 
  • Nurse Aid Training and Hospital nursing, 
  • Community health nursing,
  • Community health worker training, and 
  • Certificate in General Nursing. 

The GN certificate program was upgraded to the Diploma of Nursing in 2001. The first intake for the Diploma of General Nursing was in 2002.

In 2004, the course program was transferred to PNG Unitech and the first Graduates were in 2005 after the Students successfully completed three years of studies. The Diploma of General Nursing qualification was conferred by PNG University of Technology Lae.

The school is situated 30 meters away from the main town shopping Centre and 30km from the Nazab airport (Lae) and three minutes walk down steps to Angau Memorial Hospital.

This information is compiled for non-school leavers wanting to study at Lae Nursing College next year. For more information please visit the college's website. 

Study at Sonoma Adventist College | Application, Selection and Admission info

The Sonoma Adventist College offers courses for primary school teachers training as well as training in Business Studies and Theology. The college is run predominantly by the Seventh Day Adventist Church and is located 17km out of Kokopo Town, Papua New Guinea.

Sonoma Adventist College Selection List 2024 PDF

Sonoma is an affiliated campus of PAU enabling them to deliver academic programs in Teacher Education (Primary), Building, Agriculture, Business and Theology.

5 Recommended Colleges for 2021: 

How to study at Sonoma Adventist College

You can study at the Sonoma Adventist College as a School Leaver or a Non-school Leaver. All the application and admission information that you need will be provided on the application form. Therefore before applying, get hold of an application form and read through the requirements carefully.

GPA college entry: Minimum GPA 2.20 (This GPA for Teachers Colleges in PNG was raised to 2.8 for the 2024 intakes - here is the latest info)

Sonoma has an affiliation entry pathway to Pacific Adventist University. As a student at Sonoma, you can continue to degree and masters programs at PAU and benefit from the course pathways the university offers for its students.

GPA for Sonoma/PAU entry: PAU recommends that students from Sonoma with a GPA of 2.20 to 2.70 and work experience may qualify for admission into a relevant program of study.

Sonoma Adventist Teachers College non-school leavers acceptance list 2024

Apply to  study as Non-school Leavers

To apply to Sonoma, you can get an application form from your Local Mission, pastor or at the main SDA Headquarters. Ask friendly people about an application form for Sonoma Adventist College and seek any assistance you may need to complete the application form, fee requirements and admissions info. 

You can also contact the institution directly using the contact given above. 

If you are in Port Moresby, you can alternatively go to the Pacific Adventist University and ask for help with your application. 

Apply to  study as School Leavers

If you are a Grade 12 student, you will have to apply through the DHERST National Online Application System. Ensure that you put Sonoma Adventist College as your First or Second Choice. 

The best time to do that is during the Grace Period when you can adjust your choices - here is how to do that and why it is important.

General Info

The Sonoma Adventist College is an agency-run institution that aims to 'train committed and efficient Christian workers for service to humanity, both, through church employment and outside of church employment.'

The college is a co-ed institution where both male and female students can study for a diploma in Primary Education, Theology or any one of the 5 program areas. 

Students are expected to uphold the highest Christian behaviour when attending Sonoma and remain true to their beliefs when leaving the college.

The core principle is to know, to love and to serve the community.

Sonoma Adventist College course information

  • Bachelor of Education (Primary or Early Childhood)

The Bachelor of Education is comprised of a major strand in either Primary or Early Childhood and students enrolling into the program are selected according to their strengths to take up either of the strands. Students in the primary strand should be competent in teaching grades four to eight, while the early childhood graduates specialise in teaching grades one to three, and can also teach Lower Primary classes as well. 

  • Diploma in Building program

The Diploma in Building program is a six-semester three-year full-time program. The program aims to develop well-groomed quality building technicians, estimators, project supervisors, project managers and draftsmen with content-based knowledge, well-informed aptitudes, skills and experiences to fit well into the building, architectural and drafting field of employment.

  • Diploma in Business program
The 2-year Diploma in Business program is affiliated with the Pacific Adventist University (PAU) School of Business and is designed as a four-semester full-time study program. The broad aim of this program is to prepare students for employment in accounting, computing and financial management positions in the Church and in its various subsidiary organisations, as well as in the wider business professional community. In this context, the course seeks to integrate values with sound principles.

  • Diploma in Tropical Agriculture
The Diploma in Tropical Agriculture is a six-semester three-year full-time program with an emphasis on agricultural practices and issues relevant to Papua New Guinea and other oceanic countries of the South Pacific, such as principles of crop production, animal science, natural resources and conservation, soil science, rural extension, agricultural economics, livestock management, agricultural machinery maintenance, marketing and rural sociology.

  • Diploma of Ministry
The Diploma of Ministry is a three-year full-time equivalent for intending ministers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The program is designed primarily to prepare ministers and other skilled pastoral personnel for service in the Adventist Church in the oceanic countries of the South Pacific. It provides a foundation for ordination to pastoral ministry and for later specialisation and graduate studies. Students who successfully complete this program are eligible to apply to PAU for one additional year for the Bachelor of Ministry and Theology program.

Sonoma Adventist College Acceptance List 2023

The acceptance lists are usually published in two parts and separately. The higher education department (DHERST) releases the School Leaver (Grade 12 intake) acceptance list whereas Sonoma does the non-school leavers list.

  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to the College will have to check the Pacific Adventist University website for Sonoma Adventist Teachers College non-school leavers acceptance lists.
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

If you are following up on the Non-school leavers' application, check on PAU's website because the NSL lists are often published together. 

For the school leavers, you'll have to check the DHERST website.

Contact SAC

Sonoma Adventist College

P.O Box 360, KOKOPO 613

East New Britain Province

Papua New Guinea

Phone: (+675) 982 1782

Fax: (+675) 982 216

Leave a comment and let us know if there is any information we can add to this article to help you. 

Study at St. Barnabas School of Nursing Alotau PNG

St. Barnabas School of Nursing is in Alotau Milne Bay Province Papua New Guinea. The Nursing College is run by the following mainline churches: Anglican, Catholic and United Church. The college was founded by the Anglican church-Dogura.

St. Barnabas School of Nursing Acceptance list 2024

St. Barnabas School of Nursing Acceptance List 2024

The acceptance list for St Barnabas School of Nursing for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to St Barnabas School of Nursing must check the college for the non-school leavers' acceptance list 2024.
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

PNG Higher Education Institutions Resume Classes and Complete 2020 Academic Year - DHERST


The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) says its position is to resume the 2020 academic year for all higher education institutions. 

Secretary Professor Fr Jan Czuba came out today to dispel false information being spread on social media Facebook about the closure of the academic year. 

"We currently have a situation where someone irresponsible is circulating false information that the Department is recommending closure of the academic year," Czuba said.

“This information is ethically and legally wrong and we regret that some people are trying to destabilize the peace and harmony during this state of emergency.”

Czuba says he has written letters to Prime Minister James Marape and Emergency Controller David Manning and he’s met with both and made the department’s position clear for all higher education institutions to resume classes and complete the academic year.

He says they are expecting a favourable decision from the Emergency Controller.

He says DHERST communicates to all higher education institutions regularly on any decisions via e-letters and it does not use social media during the state of emergency to communicate with the institutions.

He says any official statement will be announced by himself as per orders received from the Emergency Controller and the National Executive Council.

Czuba says DHERST is maintaining a reputable partnership with all higher education institutions to ensure that students, academic and non-academic staffs are safe and can work in a stable environment to achieve their highest potential by completing their studies.

PNG NBC News 20/04/2020

National Polytechnic Institute of PNG Application and Enrolment (Lae Polytechnic GPA Requirements)

This article provides information for potential students wanting to enrol at the National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea (NPIPNG or Lae Polytecnic PNG). The academic programs and non-school leavers' application processes in this article aim to help applicants prepare to submit their 2024 Polytechnic Institute Application Forms for study in 2025.

National Polytechnic Institute 2024/2025 application FORM - PDF - national polytechnic institute of png
Credit: FB (National Polytechnic Institute - Lae Students Pictures)

Lae Polytechnic GPA Requirements

To apply to Lae Polytechnic, Grade 12 school leavers need a minimum GPA of 2.5. This is the threshold requirement for eligibility. For non-school leavers, you can apply directly to the institution using your current GPA as a guide. 

Lae Polytechnic, like other higher education institutions in the country, maintains these GPA standards to ensure that incoming students have a strong academic foundation and are prepared for their studies. 

Whether you're a recent high school graduate or a non-traditional applicant, meeting these GPA requirements is essential for your application to be considered.

Polytechnic Non-School Leavers Application Form

Selections for non-school leavers are done at the institution and the names of the successful applicants are notified via their website or Facebook page. A letter of acceptance is also sent out to the new intakes for 2025. If you are in Lae (Morobe Province), check the notice board at Polytech PNG at Eriku.

As mentioned, the Offer Letter for successful applicants will be forwarded to your forwarding address given in the application form. 

You can also collect the offer letter from the Institute Administration, through a valid ID presentation. If forwarding addresses are changed, call the Institute  Care-takers to give your new forwarding email addresses.

In a recent media statement, DHERST resorted to also bringing the NON-SCHOOL LEAVERS Selection ONLINE. Universities and colleges are not going to make the selections. So, what does that mean for you as a non-school leaver applicant? Find out here, watch the video for more.

School Leavers Application (SL, Grade 12 applicants)

Selection for School Leaver's applications is facilitated by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science & Technology (DHERST) through its Student Support & Scholarship Branch.

It is important to note that DHERST through its Student Support & Scholarship will inform all TESAS awardees through separate offer letters. We wrote this article to give clarity to the process of DHERST selection and the TESAS Award. Check them out.

Any selected school leavers who do not receive a TESAS offer letter from DHERST should not consider him/herself to be a self-sponsored student and is subject to all self-sponsor conditions for selected applicants. For queries regarding SL applications, please contact DHERST.

The Grade 12 School Leavers ONLINE Selection started in 2018. It is the best thing that happens. The online selection helps DHERST, the government and stakeholders know exactly how many Grade 12 students are selected for universities and colleges. 

Polytechnic Lae contact

Non-school Leavers and School Leavers offer letters are forwarded to students' respective email accounts provided on either the application form (for the NSL) or NOSS ( for the SL). That means that applicants to PNG Polytech will receive their Acceptance Letters through the addresses they provided.

If you have not received your offer letter, call or email Polytec PNG at  or

READ OPEN COLLEGE STUDY INFO and IBS UNIVERSITY PATHWAY HERE. Check out this link, if you to apply for a Police Training Course.

Academic Programs at The National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea

  • Diploma in Applied Science
  • Diploma in Architectural Drafting
  • Diploma in Building.
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Diploma In Business Studies-Accounting
  • Diploma In Business Studies-Computing
  • Diploma In Business Studies-Management
  • Diploma In Business Studies-Office Administration
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • Technical Training Certificate in Science Technology
  • Technical Training Certificate in Drafting
  • Technical Training Certificate in Tourism & Hospitality
  • Certificate in Meat Processing
  • National Certificate in Maintenance Fitting & Machining Level 1
  • National Certificate in Metal Fabrication & Welding Level 1

2025 Enrollment Information

Enrollment for all successful applicants and continuing students usually takes place between January and February 2025. 

Make sure to turn up before the registration closing date. A successful applicant who fails to enrol on the closing day loses his/her space to other students on the waiting list.

Present Original copies of documents on enrollment: 

  • Acceptance Letter, 
  • Certificates and Transcripts and 
  • a full school fee bank payment deposit slip or receipt.

National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea PNG Course Fee

The institution recommends that students (new & continuing) pay the Full Fee before enrolling, otherwise, enrolment will be denied.

  • Full Year Self & Corporate Sponsor fee is K7,300.00,
  • The Boarding and lodging Component of K2,800.00 is inclusive for boarding students and K4,500.00 for Day students. 
  • HECAS Student Fee (Parent Component) is K4,500.00.

For the latest information and notes with course fees, please refer to the “Fee Schedule” attached to the Offer Letter posted to you.

Method of Payment

All payments must be made through the bank. The Institute account details are:

A/C Name: The National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea, 

Account No#: For the account number contact Polytech Lae

Note: All cheques must be made before the student is allowed to enrol. Students can be denied enrolment while waiting for the cheque to be cleared, therefore it is strongly recommended that all payments must be in cash or bank cheque before the enrolment dates.

Boarding Facilities

Accommodation on campus is limited and will be only provided for HECAS students on a “first come first basis”. Some HECAS students will not be given boarding privileges because of limited spaces. Boarding students must provide their own beddings (.i.e mattresses, pillows and linen) and eating utensils (for example cup, fork, and knife).

All other sponsored students will have to find their own accommodation off-campus. The Okari Campus is a church-owned accommodation facility that has been providing off-campus alternative accommodation for NPIPNG students since 2016 and continues to provide alternative accommodation for NPIPNG students. 

The campus is a 15-20 minute walk from NPIPNG. The Assemblies of God Church owns and manages the facilities as well as provides pastoral care and counselling services to the students. 

Those willing to be considered for Okari Campus boarding space can contact Mrs Norma Kendi at 72455254 or Mr Paul Kilembe at 76218142 or email

Substitute Applicants

Substitute applicants will not be considered during enrollment.

For any queries contact the Caretakers or the Deputy Director-Academic or Deputy Director of Students Services on Phone # 472 2552 /7530/1505 or Fax: 472 1025. Visit the NPIPNG website or the Department of Education Website.

Book Review: An Outline of Book Review for Students

A book review outline I find very useful, especially when reviewing an academic thesis as an assessment task. If you are looking for a simple outline for your uni assessment, you'll find this outline useful too.
How to review book

Establish a Background, identify the book by author, title, and publishing information.
Include some background to enable readers to place the book into context. Describe the general problem the book addresses or earlier work the author or others have done. In framing your review, you should provide some information on the author. What are her relevant qualifications and background (or lack thereof) for writing on this subject? What were his reasons for writing this book? (Often the preface contains such information.)

1. Content Summary 
1.1. Overview A book review is an essay whose purpose is to comment on a particular work bearing upon a single subject or related subjects. Provide an overview, including paraphrases and quotations, of the book's thesis and primary supporting points. The most important element about a book review to remember is that it is a commentary, not just a summary. Present an overview of the book, an outline or synopsis of the major topics, indicating the scope, the major emphasis (political, economic, intellectual, etc.) and which, if any, aspects of the subject are totally ignored.

1.2. Comparative Evaluation – a Recent Publication
What evidence is cited? Has new documentation become available? If so, identify the new documentation. Or, does the book present a novel interpretation based on previously available documents or information? Your conclusions and assessments regarding these aspects will affect your comparative evaluations of the works. You should also consider the time during which the book was written and, if evident, the author's values and biases. For example, a book on sociocultural evolution written by a conservative Republican sociologist in the 1950s (say Talcott Parsons) would be quite different than one written by a member of the American Socialist party (say Harry Braverman).co

Recommended A review of Helen Tovola's Secondary Education in Fiji - Key to Future

*It will probably will be necessary to refer to specific portions of the books to illustrate your statements and conclusions, but it is generally not advisable to quote extensively from it. Do not try to make more points than can be accomplished thoroughly in your review. It is better to make a few points well than many points poorly. Once you have decided on the central points you intend to make, treat each one as a separate section of your review. Each section should explain the one point, supporting it with your own arguments and with brief examples from the book under review and drawing conclusions as to the meaning and importance of the point.

* The purpose of the review is to critically evaluate the text, not just inform the readers about it. Leave plenty room for your evaluation by ensuring that your summary is brief. Determine what kind of balance to strike between your summary information and your evaluation. If you are writing your review for a class, ask your instructor. Often the ratio is half and half.
2. Your Evaluation – Opinion & Discussion: Choose one or a few points to discuss about the book. What worked well for you? How does this work compare with others by the same author or other books in the same genre? What major themes, motifs, or terms does the book introduce, and how effective are they? Did the book appeal to you on an emotional or logical way?

The bulk of your review should concentrate on your evaluation of the way the author handled the issues discussed.

2.1. Describe the book: What is the overall thesis? Is it interesting, memorable, entertaining, instructive? Why?

2.2. Respond to the author's worldview: What do you agree with? And why? What do you disagree with? And why?

2.3. Explore issues the book raises: What possibilities does the book suggest? Explain. What matters does the book leave out? Explain.

2.4. Relate your argument to other books or authors: Support your argument for or against the author's opinions by bringing in other authors you agree with.

2.5. Relate the book to larger issues: How did the book affect your worldview of sociocultural stability and change? How have your opinions about the topic changed? How is the book related to the course? How did the thesis compare with other course material? What are your reactions? Did the book enhance your understanding of the issues? Be as direct as possible.

3. Conclusion - summarise the discussion 

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