Showing posts with label Colleges in PNG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colleges in PNG. Show all posts

How to Apply to Port Moresby Business College

Port Moresby Business College offers a range of diploma and certificate programs in business studies. For the Grade 12 students or non-school leavers, this article will guide you through the application process. Find out the entry requirements and contact details to ensure a smooth application experience.

Note that the Port Moresby Business College takes in students from the National Capital District and Central Province schools. But, this should NOT stop you from applying if you are coming from a different province but residing in Port Moresby.

Diploma Programs

Port Moresby Business College provides the following diploma programs in Business Studies, certified by the Department of Education (PNG):

1. Diploma in Accounting

2. Diploma in Business Computing

3. Diploma in Management

4. Diploma in Office Management

5. Diploma in Hospitality Management

Diploma Programs Entry Requirements

To be eligible for these diploma programs, you need to meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Grade 12 completion or Certificate Programs from a reputable institution
  • Application forms are available at the college.

How to Apply to Port Moresby Business College - Application Form PDF 2024 Download

Certificate Programs

Port Moresby Business College also offers certificate programs that serve as pathways to diploma and degree programs. The certificate programs are accredited by the Department of Education and include:

1. Technical Training Certificate

2. Certificate in Accounting

3. Certificate in Office Management

4. Certificate in Management

5. Certificate in Business Computing

6. Certificate in Hospitality Management

Certificate Programs Entry Requirements

To qualify for these certificate programs, applicants should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Grade 12 completion or Grade 10 with Matriculation Studies equivalent to Grade 11 and 12.
  • For scholarship applicants, an application form can be obtained from your secondary school.
  • Self-sponsored applicants can obtain application forms directly from the college.

How to Apply as a Grade 12 School Leaver

If you are a Grade 12 student, follow these steps to apply to Port Moresby Business College:

1. Discuss with your school's deputy principal (Academic) and express your interest in studying at Port Moresby Business College.

2. The deputy principal will guide you through completing the online school leavers form via the DHERST National Online Application System (NOAS). You have the option to select Port Moresby Business College as one of your five choices.

How to apply as a Non-School Leaver

Non-school leavers should contact the college directly to obtain an application form and additional information regarding the application process for Port Moresby Business College.

The entry requirements for different programs at Port Moresby Business College are as follows:

  • Technical Training Certificate Programs (Two-Year Program): Grade 10 with credit in Mathematics and English, with no fails in other subjects.
  • Technical Training Certificate (One-Year Program): Grade 12 with credit in Mathematics B, English, and a Business Studies-related subject.
  • Diploma in Business Studies (Two-Year Program): Grade 12 with B passes in Mathematics, English, and a Business Studies allied subject. Grade 10 with credit in Mathematics and English, with no fails in other subjects. Minimum of two years of relevant work experience.

National Qualification Framework (National Qualification Programs)

For base learning, there are no minimum requirements as the assessment is based solely on the student's competency to perform tasks in each module before progressing to the next level of the program.

The minimum entry requirements for short course programs are determined by the college. Contact the college for more information.

How to Apply to Port Moresby Business College

Port Moresby Business College offers a variety of diploma and certificate programs in Business Studies. Whether you are a Grade 12 student or a non-school leaver, understanding the application process and meeting the entry requirements is crucial. 

For the latest information on applications and admissions, visit the college or use the provided contact details below:

  • Port Moresby Business College Address: P.O. Box 5675, Boroko, N C D, Papua New Guinea
  • Telephone: 325 2233
  • Principal: 325 3792
  • Deputy Principal: 325 2356

Kokopo Business College Selection List 2023 PDF

The Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology (DHERST) released the FULL list of School Leavers for all the tertiary institutions in the country on the 23rd of December 2022.

Kokopo Business College Selection List 2023

Here is the Kokopo Business College selections list 2022 for 2023 academic year. 

Download the PDF files and check your selection status. (If you want to find your name quickly, see below how to use to SLF number to do that)

DOWNLOAD Kokopo Business College SELECTION LIST 2023

How to download Kokopo Business College Selection List 2023

Tips for checking your NSL selection status:
  • 1) Download the PDF file
  • 2) In the 'Find' bar (smartphones) or 'Search bar (PC/Mac)m enter your SLF number
  • 3) Hit 'Enter' to check your selection status. 

If your SLF number does not appear, it means that you are not being selected to Kokopo Business College 

Kokopo Business College TESAS- HECAS/AES

Kokopo Business College will also release its final NSL list for the new academic year on its website. On the list, you'll be able to see your TESAS (HECAS & AES) status, registrations and orientation dates and fees.

Therefore, check with the institution for the 2023 selections lists which usually come out in January.

Here is what DHERST said about this year's selections...

All the selected students are advised to seek your Admission or Acceptance Letter with the tertiary institution that has selected you. now, most institutions should be posting or emailing you your Admission or Acceptance Letters.

As for the School Leavers selections for 2023, here is what DHERST said...

Post-selection is still in progress through the National Admission Pool. Eligible students who did not secure a space on the selection launching day should check your NOAS account on a regular basis to see whether or not you have been sent an offer by an institution. Should you find an offer in your NOAS account, kindly accept or decline the offer by clicking on the relevant button.


Here is what DHESRT said about the PNG government scholarships, TESAS and HELP...

The TESAS list will be published on the 3rd week of January 2023 and the TESAS Scholarship Offer Letter will be provided to the TESAS awardees by DHERST through your respective NOAS account. If you find your name under a TESAS scholarship (AES or HECAS) category, make sure to access your NOAS account to accept the terms and conditions of your TESAS scholarship.

The Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) is available to all students regardless of whether you are on TESAS or not. To be eligible for the loan, interested applicants must become registered students by complying with the tertiary institutions' admission or registration policies.

For more information about the selections, HELP or TESAS, please do not hesitate to contact our office via email,; call 301 2000; or visit the office in person at the NSLS Haus, DHERST Ground Floor Office.

Disclaimer: The list was published by DHERST, you can see the original file on the higher education website. PNG Insight makes the file available in PDF for ease of viewing on mobile devices here. If you have any questions, contact DHERST. See the original file here - DHERST website.

Lae School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List

 DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list for the Lae School of Nursing below.

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Lae School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List 

Lae School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List
Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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Nazarene College of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list for the Nazarene College of Nursing below.

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Nazarene College of Nursing 2023Non-School Leavers Selection List

Nazarene College of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List
Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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St Barnabas School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list for St Barnabas School of Nursing below.

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

St Barnabas School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection ListNon-School Leavers Selection List 2023

St Barnabas School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List

Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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Sacred Heart Nursing College 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list for Sacred Heart Nursing College below.

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Sacred Heart Nursing College Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Sacred Heart Nursing College Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023
Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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Lutheran School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list for the Lutheran School of Nursing below.

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Lutheran School of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Lutheran School of Nursing 2023 Non-School Leavers Selection List
Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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Kundiawa General Nursing College Non-School Leavers Selection Lists 2023

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. 

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list at Kundiawa General Nursing College below.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Kundiawa General Nursing College Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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Highlands Regional College of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. 

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list for Highlands Regional College of Nursing below.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Highlands Regional College Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Highlands Regional College of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023
Highlands Regional College of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023
Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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Arawa School of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

DHERST published the PDF list for 8 Nursing Schools on the 22nd of January 2022. 

You can download the PDF file and search for your name. Here, you'll find the same selection lists for the academic year 2023.

Check out the 2023 non-school leavers' selection list Arawa School of Nursing below.

Disclaimer: PNG Insight makes the list available here after it has been published on the high education website. If you have any questions please contact DHERST. Contact details are given below.

Arawa School of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Arawa School of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023
Arawa School of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023
Check out the 2023 Non-school Leavers Selections Lists for PNG Schools of Nursing and Colleges.

Other PNG Schools of Nursing Non-School Leavers Selection List 2023

Check out the selection lists for other Nursing Schools in PNG.

This link is a one-stop page where you can get the latest information on Nursing Schools, admission and the 2023 selections.

Contact DHERST 

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ITI PNG Selection List, Courses and Fees 2024 - International Training Institute

The International Training Institute (ITI PNG) is a private training provider for Grade 12 school leavers and working-class people. ITI opened its first campus in Lae in 2004, today ITI PNG has 10 campuses (and 1 distance learning centre). 

It provides entry (certificate and diploma) courses in IT, Human Resource Management and accounting. 

ITI Diploma Programs are accredited by DHERST.

ITI PNG Courses and Fees 2024

Check out the ITI Non-School Leavers (NSL) and School Leavers Information here.

International Training Institute (ITI PNG) Courses and Fees 2024

ITI PNG website has the latest details on its entry certificate courses which are partway to ITI diploma courses. 

PNG Insight picks out the courses that are fitting for Grade 12 non-school leavers. 

Read on to find out about the PNG ITI courses and fees for 2024.

Certificate entry courses for Grade 10 Non-school Leavers

The Grade 10 non-school leavers entry courses are full-time courses. The courses have a duration of 17 weeks. ITI PNG takes in students twice a year - February and July.

There are five courses, and each requires students to complete five units. 

According to ITI PNG, its course fee 2024 for the certificate courses is K3,400 (K1,200 on registration, followed by approved installments.)


ITI Certificate courses 

After completing the entry Certificate courses, students can enrol on the Diploma programs. Here are the 5 ITI PNG entry courses for Grade 10 non-school leavers:

  • Certificate in Accounting
  • Certificate in Business
  • Certificate in Sales
  • Certificate in Computing
  • Certificate in Human Resource Management

As mentioned, all the certificate courses fee is K3,400. You must pay K1,200 on registration, followed by approved instalments. The Entry Requirements: You must have successfully completed Grade 10 with passes in English and Mathematics. The course duration is 17 weeks, starting twice a year, in February and July.

ITI Diploma Courses

ITI students completing the certificate course that meet the entry requirements can proceed to diploma courses. Also, ITI accepts Grade 12 school non-school leavers who can apply for diploma courses. 

Here are the courses for the non-school leavers for February and July intakes:
  • Diploma in Business Accounting
  • Diploma in Business Management
  • Diploma in Human Capital Management
  • Diploma in Marketing Management
  • Diploma in Information and Communication Technology
To apply for the diploma courses at ITI PNG, you must have a certificate or be a Grade 12 with a C or above in English and Maths. A grade D grade in Advanced Maths is eligible for a Diploma in Business programs and for a Diploma in ICT.

The duration of the Diploma Courses is 17 - 34 weeks.

International Training Institute (ITI PNG) Selection List 2024

ITI PNG releases the selection list of intakes before February and July every year. If you submit your application, check before the ITI academic year starts. 

You can also contact the ITI office for more information on application forms, acceptance lists and courses and fees for 2024.

Note that ITI PNG courses and fees are quoted at the time of this article. This may change. So, check the ITI website for the latest courses, fees and admission information you need before the academic year commences.

ITI Campus in PNG

ITI PNG has 10 campuses in the country that offer certificate and diploma courses to both Grade 10 and Grade 12 students. 

Here is the complete list of the International Training Institute (ITI) campuses. You can also find the contact details and know the campus close to you.

PNG Business College Acceptance Lists 2025

There are four business colleges in Papua New Guinea catering to Grade 12 school leavers, non-school leavers, and matriculation students. This article sheds light on the 2025 Acceptance Lists for both School Leavers and Non-School Leavers at these institutions.

For your convenience, the 2025 Acceptance Lists for each college can be downloaded as a PDF via the link below.

Important: Note that the NOAS selection list for all higher institutions in the country will be available in NOAS MyStatus on 20th of December 2025. That means that you can access the 2025 selection STATUS on your NOAS ACCOUNT on or after the date.

PNG Business College Acceptance Lists 2025

How many Business Colleges are in PNG?

There are four government-run business colleges (or institutions) in PNG, you can check the acceptance lists of each college via this link:
Each institution offers courses in certificates and diplomas in business, management, human resources, computing, etc. 

Check out the complete list of colleges in PNG. There is a lot of information for Grade 12 and non-school leavers who are looking for study opportunities.

2025 Acceptance List for Business Colleges

The 2025 acceptance LISTS PDF for Goroka Business College, Kokopo Business College, Port Moresby Business College and International Training Institute usually come out at the earliest in January or latest in February every year. Given that DHERST NOAS system is pretty effective and efficient, you should be able to see the final PDF list sooner than the dates mentioned based on past releases.

If you are a non-school leaver, you'll have to check with the college. As for the Grade 12 school leavers, you must check the DHERST acceptance list 2025. 

Business Colleges School Leavers and Non-school Leaves Acceptance List

DHERST acceptance list will have the names of the 2022 Grade 12 students who apply through the National Online Application System (NOAS). 

The Grade 12 students who applied to one of the business colleges in PNG must check their names on the PDF list that DHERST releases.

As for the non-school leavers and students from FODE and Open Colleges, you'll have to check with the college. The original Non-school Leaves Acceptance List 2025 will be available at the college.

The college selects the non-school leavers and gives the names to DHERST. The final TESAS Awards list often comes out at the end of January or early February.

DHERST NOAS Acceptance List 2025 SL & NSL

The acceptance list is the final PDF list of school leavers' and non-school leavers' names. On this list, you'll see the TESAS scholarship status of students selected to study at a business college in PNG.

The list shows the students' names and indicates whether the students are sponsored or self-sponsored. 

If you are a sponsored student, you come under TESAS (either as AES or HECAS). 

The students who are not under TESAS are considered self-sponsored students. That means that you'll have to pay the fees before admission. Pay early to secure your spot early. 

Balob Teachers College Application 2025 and Selection Info and Updates

Balob Teachers College offers a diploma in primary teaching and enrols 600-700 students every year, about half of them female students. If you want to apply for college or get information about courses and selections, this article will help you.

Find out how to apply as a non-school leaver or school leaver - use the tips below to contact Balob Teachers College.

Download the School Leavers (New Intakes) Selection Lists PDF for your teachers college.

Balob Teachers College Application Form 2024, Selections 2025 and Accpetance List PDF

How to apply to  Balob Teachers College?

There are two ways to apply to Balob Teachers College: as a school leaver and a non-school leaver.

Apply as a non-school leaver

Balob Teachers College does not have a website or social media account where you can get information on courses, applications and selections. The college relies on the media to disseminate information to new students. 

The best way to get a Balob Teachers College application form for 2025 is to get it from the college.

But, what can you do if you are not in Lae or anywhere nearby? The college often asks for proof of ID before issuing new application forms. This can be hard - here are some suggestions to help you - see below for non-school leavers' application timeframe.

Here are 5 ways to get an application form, even if you're not in LAE.

  • 1) Call a family member/friend you know personally to get it for you.
  • 2) Call the college and ask for the latest application form and fees.
  • 3) Travel there yourself to get it - this can be an expensive exercise. 
  • 4) Ask a Facebook/social media friend you know to send it to you.
  • 5) Ask a current student to help you out.

The five ways above are practical ways to get the BalobTeachers College non-school leaver's application form 2025. 

Apply as a school leaver (Grade 12)

 Balob Teachers College option for Grade 12 students who want to become teachers. 

All you have to do is to put it down as one of your options when you complete the National Online Application Form on the DHERST website.

The best tip here is to make it your first or second choice so that you have a higher chance of getting in. You can do that at school with the help of your deputy principal.

If you do not make that choice yet, do not worry. You can make adjustments to your final choice during the Grace Period DHERST gives you.

GPA for entering Balob Teachers College PNG

Each college in PNG selects the best students. That means that they choose students with high GPAs. 

Read about GPA for PNG teachers' colleges.

DHERST (Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology) sets a GPA threshold of 2. Some institutions have raised it to 2.25.

Generally, you must have a GPA higher than 2 to get selected. Inversely, you must maintain a GPA higher than 2 to remain a student at Balob Teachers' College to get relegated.

For registration purposes, PNG Education Department requires that teachers' college graduates should have a GPA of 2.4. (see the report here)

Taking all GPAs into consideration, you should maintain a bare minimum of 2.4 to remain competitive in during selections.

Contact  Balob Teachers College

You can contact the principal and admin office for information on school leavers and non-school leavers.

Balob Teachers' College
P O Box 2127
Lae, Morobe Province
Ph 4724311 / 4724355

Contact person/s
Mr Jack Hawap (Deputy Principal, Admin)

When does Balob Teachers' College NSL application open?

For the last two years, Balob Teachers' College non-school leavers' application forms come out in May. If you are planning to apply for next year, make sure you are in Lae in May to get the NSL application form. 

The application closes at the end of June. 

You will have a month to complete the application and hand it in.

Balob Teachers' College Acceptance List 2025

The acceptance list for Balob Teachers' College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 

The non-school leavers who applied straight to Balob Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2025.

As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2025.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.

About Balob Teachers College 

Balob Teachers College is located in Lae, Morobe Province and is run by the Lutheran Church. 

The college has been training primary school teachers for nearly 60 years. It offers diploma in primary teaching and enrols 600-700 students every year, about half of them are female students.

How to Apply to a Technical College in PNG in 2024 (ADMISSION INFO)

Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) provides relevant practical skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding relating to the skills needed in various sectors of the formal and informal economy in Papua New Guinea.

There are 8 functioning technical colleges in Papua New Guinea taking in Grade 12 school leavers, matriculation students and non-school leavers annually. This article gives insights into Technical Colleges and how to apply in 2024 for 2025.

Technical Colleges School Leavers' and Non-school Leavers' application form PDF

How many Business Colleges are in PNG?

Note that we left out over 134 vocational and technical schools on this list. 

The 8 business technical colleges below are well-run and recognised technical institutions we thought you should know. (Click on the links to find out about each institution)

The Technical and Business Colleges in PNG offer courses full-time courses for those who have completed Grade 12. They also offer extension courses for apprenticeship training and short courses to provide further opportunities for youths and those already in the workforce.

Check out the complete list of colleges in PNG. There is a lot of information for Grade 12 and non-school leavers who are looking for study opportunities.

2024 Acceptance List for PNG Technical Colleges

The 2024 acceptance lists for the technical colleges in PNG usually come out at the earliest in January or latest in February every year.

If you are a non-school leaver, you'll have to check with the college. As for the Grade 12 school leavers, you must check the DHERST website for the 2024 acceptance lists.

PNG Insight has a dedicated page where we update the list for our readers. Click here to find out where you can access the SELECTION LISTS PDF FOR  TECHNICAL COLLEGES IN PNG.

Important Notice for Applicants to Technical Colleges in Papua New Guinea

Grade 12 School Leavers:

We urge all Grade 12 school leavers who submitted applications to technical colleges in Papua New Guinea to verify their acceptance status on the official PDF list published by the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST). This list will confirm your admission into your chosen program.

Non-School Leavers:

Non-school leavers who applied through FODE or Open College should contact their respective colleges directly for individual acceptance updates. The original Non-School Leavers Acceptance List 2024 is available at each college administration office for reference. Kindly note that non-school leavers are selected by their chosen college, and their names are subsequently submitted to DHERST.

Important Dates and Information:

  • The final TESAS Awards list is anticipated to be released in late January or early February.
  • We encourage you to regularly check the DHERST website and official announcements for updates on the final list release.
  • Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact your chosen college or DHERST directly.

Career pathways from schools to TVET to employment 

The TVET courses are developed in close consultation with the National Apprenticeship and Trade Testing Board, National Training Council, Industry, Provincial Governments and the community. All courses are accredited through the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

There are career pathways from schools to TVET to employment and for some further higher education and training.
Though there is an increasing awareness of the need for relevant skills training, the PNG government need to do more in this area.

TVET: Technical, vocational education and training are key to developing Papua New Guinea formal and informal sectors.

Holy Trinity Teachers College Application and Selection Info for Students

Holy Trinity Teachers College is located in Mt Hagen and is run by the Catholic Church. It has been a teacher's college for over 60 years - 67 years in 2024. The college offers a diploma in primary teaching and a Bachelor of Education (Primary) pre-service program. The college enrols about 600 students every year, 200 of them female students. 

Holy Trinity Teachers College is affiliated with the Divine Word University.

holy trinity teachers college application form 2024

How to apply to Hagen Holy Trinity Teachers College?

There are two ways to apply to Holy Trinity Teachers College: as a school leaver and a non-school leaver.

Apply as a non-school leaver

Hagen Holy Trinity Teachers College does not have a website or social media account. It can be difficult to get the latest Holy Trinity Teachers College application online. 

The best way, at present to get an application form for 2024 is to get it from the college. Here are 5 ways to get an application form, even if you're not in Hagen.

1) Call a family member/friend you know personally to get it for you.

2) Call the college and ask for the latest application form and fees.

3) Travel there yourself to get it - this can be an expensive exercise. 

4) Ask a Facebook/social media friend you know to send it to you.

5) Ask a current student to help you out.

The five ways above are practical ways to get the Holy Trinity Teachers College non-school leaver's application form 2024 PDF. 

Apply as a school leaver (Grade 12)

Hagen Holy Trinity Teachers College option for Grade 12 students who want to become teachers. 

All you have to do is to put it down as one of your options when you complete the National Online Application Form on the DHERST website.

The best tip here is to make it your first or second choice so that you have a higher chance of getting in. You can do that at school with the help of your deputy principal.

If you do not make that choice yet, do not worry. You can make adjustments to your final choice during the Grace Period DHERST gives you.

Contact Holy Trinity Teachers College

You can contact the principal and admin office for information on school leavers and non-school leavers.

Trinity Teachers College
P O Box 274
Mount Hagen
Phone: 542 1411/542 039
Mb: 70023845

Trinity Teachers College Board and Members

In 2016 the college board made a massive change due to malpractice in admin matters of the school especially the selection of students. 

The new principal is Michael Miamel and his deputy is Dave Miller. Call one of them to get more information on school leavers' and non-school leavers' applications and selections. 

You can also contact the following people for advice.
  • Western Highlands provincial education chairman Michael Mai
  • PNG Teachers’ Association (PNGTA) Highlands regional secretary John Melson, 
  • Archbishop of the Catholic Church of Mt Hagen Bishop Douglas Young,
  • Catholic Education Secretary Andrew Wan and or 
  • Council board chairman Hugo Kop.

Trinity Teachers College is affiliated with the Divine Word University

As a Catholic agency school, the college is amalgamated with the Divine Word University in Madang. 

That means that Holy Trinity Teachers College and Divine Word University have a special relationship that is mutually beneficial to both institutions. 

Holy Trinity Teachers College Acceptance List 2024

The acceptance list for Holy Trinity Teachers College for non-school leavers and school leavers will come out before the academic year starts. 
  • The non-school leavers who applied straight to Holy Trinity Teachers College will have to check the college for the non-school leavers acceptance list 2024.
  • As for the Grade 12 school leavers who applied through the National Online Application System (NOAS), check the higher education website for the DHERST Acceptance List 2024.

If you have any questions, check out this link for information on selection dates and acceptance lists for tertiary institutions in PNG.



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