Showing posts with label DHERST TESAS Award List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DHERST TESAS Award List. Show all posts

Grade 12 Students SLF Grace Period - Why GP is Important

The DHERST Grace Period offers a unique opportunity for current Grade 12 students to make informed decisions for their School Leavers Form (SLF). Unlike previous years, students can now adjust their choices based on their exam marks during this period. 

NOAS Application Eligible Programs During the Grade Period

DHERST Online Application 2024 (NOAS LOGIN) 

DHERST Online Application System (NOAS) The National Online Application System (NOAS) significantly enhances the selection process. It provides students with upfront clarity by highlighting ineligible options in red, minimizing the risk of mistakes. Students can make up to five choices, increasing their chances of getting into a tertiary institution. 

Previously, the manual SLF allowed only three choices and did not permit changes after submission. Grade 12 students should maximize the Grace Period to secure a spot for 2024 at a tertiary institution. 


Key Dates (expected) 2024/2025

The following important dates are crucial for examinations, results, and selections in Papua New Guinea: 

  • Mid-December 2024: DHERST launches the 2024 selection for the 2025 academic year. Early-December 2024: NOAS Grace Period. 
  • Second Week of December 2024: The Education Department, through MSD, releases Grade 12 Exam Results to DHERST. 
  • First Week of December 2024: Grade 10 and 12 Exam Results are launched. 
  • Late November 2024: Education Officers/GES start 2024 Grade 11 Selections. These dates are based on previous years and may vary slightly. 
The 2024/2025 Grade 11 selection lists are likely to be released in the second or third week of December 2024. 
DHERST Online Application 2023 (NAOS)

Importance of the Grace Period 

The Grace Period lasts five days, during which Grade 12 students should adjust their choices. DHERST will indicate eligibility on NOAS based on examination marks. 

Here’s what DHERST says about the importance of the Grace Period: 

 "This [Grace Period] is a crucial period where you will start making your choices based on your final grade 12 results. Ensure to access your account during the mentioned dates. If you see a red highlight in any of your five choices under 'My Choices,' this means your final result has not met the minimum program requirement set by the institution. Therefore, you must change the red highlighted choice to a different program available in your program list."

The online selection is quick. Grade 12 students have around five days to adjust their choices to more suitable ones. DHERST will not grant access to make changes after this period. The Grace Period's due date is final. 

Launching 2024 Selections for the 2025 Academic Year 

The online selection via DHERST's National Online Selections System (NOSS) is efficient, completing the process in just three days. 

DHERST may launch the 2024 selections for the 2025 academic year the week following the Grace Period’s due date, likely on the following Tuesday, based on past trends. If all goes to plan, students will see their selection status by the announced date. 

Checking Your 2024 Grade 12 Exam Marks 

By now, students should know their Grade 12 exam marks, accessible through the My PNG Exam Results website. Note that DHERST does not display Grade 12 students' exam marks. 

NOAS, administered by DHERST, facilitates national admissions and selections into higher education institutions in Papua New Guinea. It primarily serves Grade 12 school-leaver applications. 

Non-School Leaver Applicants Non-school leaver applicants must contact their chosen institutions directly and follow the respective application requirements. 

For further information, please contact DHERST Support Service at 

 Stay informed and proactive to make the most of this critical period in your academic journey.
Firstly, the National Online Application System (NOAS) gives the students the right choice upfront by highlighting (in red) the 'ineligible' options. 


  • The latest dates for exam results and selections are now available here.)
  • By now, you should know your Grade 12 exam marks. The marks are accessible through My PNG Exam Results website.

PNG Government Scholarships: What Does TESAS, AES, HECAS and HELP Mean?

Students TESAS (Tertiary Education Student Assistance SchemeAward Status indicates the type of PNG govt scholarship offered to students. It is a merit-based award. 

AES is awarded to the best-performing students (with a high GPA).

The number of scholarships available to continuing students (and new intakes) is determined by the availability of govt funding and HEIs GPA cut-off, yearly. Details of funding and GPA for each HEI in the country are the work of DHERST. Here are some guides to TESAS and GPA.

Read about the PNG Universities and Colleges 2023 Acceptance List Info, TESAS, HELP Loan and Registration and Orientation - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

  • AES - Academic Excellence Scholarships
  • HECAS - Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme

DHERST TESAS Award list for New Intakes (SL & NSL) and Continuing students for 2023 was released today - download the PDFs here 




TESAS: AES & HECAS Stats that matter

We kept some 'stats that matter' based on the TESAS Award list for New Intakes over the years. Here is the stat for the TESAS Awards for Continuing Students in 2021.

  • 82 Continuing students on AES 
  • 6779 Continuing students on HECAS 
  • 6861 Total Students on TESAS

Note: The figures do not include the NEW INTAKES. 

The DHERST Selection List for New Intakes was released a day after the Continuing Students TESAS Award List. Read about the NEW INTAKES 'stats that matter'

Some HEIs have not submitted their continuing students' GPAs to DHERST. Those institutions are not included in the TESAS list released by DHERST.

Download the Continuing Students List for HEIs

Some HEIs have not submitted their Continuing Students GPA lists for the 2021 academic year. Students who are attending those institutions will expect delays at the Beginning of Year Travel and TESAS payments.

The students attending those institutions should call the Students' Admin for more information. 

2023 self-sponsored students who have secured a scholarship must make travel arrangements with their universities or higher institutions. 

Recommended reading: How to Secure a Govt Scholarship - TESAS

Re-admission and self-sponsored students

The advice from DHERST for students whose names are NOT on the list:

Be advised that students whose name do not appear on the list [ Continuing Students approved list] should consult your respective HEIs to confirm your progressive status for 2021. (DHERST, press release, 26/01/2021)

Why are only 6861 Continuing Students on TESAS?

Here is what DHERST said about it...

"The number of applications for TESAS Awards with a qualifying minimum GPA level is typically greater than the number of available TESAS Awards.

It should be noted that some program admission requirements of institutions might include a different weighted consideration of grades and/or prerequisite subjects with minimum grades, due to their particular academic requirements. As such, Awardees are selected within program quotas on a merit basis. This means that not all applicants with a qualifying GPA level will receive an award." (DHERST, website)

Another reason is that the 2021 TESAS award list does not include some HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) that did not submit the student GPAs to DHERST. And their students may not have been included in the official list released on the 26 of January 2021.

TESAS PNG Govt Scholarship Funds

TESAS selection continuing students

In a National Newspaper report, the secretary for higher education said that they only received K36 million (out of the K68 million required TESAS funding) for 2021. The question was why half of the required TESAS fund?

In 2020, the PNG govt, through DHERST, implemented the students' assistantship scheme - the Higher Education Loan Program, or HELP. The same year, the govt allocated K220 million to fund HELP.

The higher education secretary said

... 6,637 students applied for HELP this year [2020] and K28,109,457 was paid by the Government.

How do students apply for HELP?


HELP aims to enhance the quality of higher education. The studentship program also aims to ensure access to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees is available to eligible students.

Firstly, students must demonstrate that they are enrolled in a registered institution to apply. This program is led by the DHERST with data and input from the HEIs in the country.

Students who wish to apply for this loan should complete the HELP Application Form. See your HEI/Student Admin for more info. That means all students (both continuing and new intakes) should register at a HELP-participating institution.

Then, see your students' admin/support staff and complete the application form. The respective HEIs will launch the forms, on your behalf, with DHERST and let you know of the outcome.

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.


If you have any questions, please comment below and let us know.

2025 PNG Universities and Colleges Acceptance List: DHERST, Govt, and HEIs Challenges

In this article, PNG Insight discusses the key points relating to the 2025 PNG Universities and Colleges Acceptance List. It puts clarity on the achievements and challenges of the higher education department, the Govt and Stakeholders.

The aim is to address many of the 'why' questions (see the comment thread in this article) relating to the scheduled release of the DHERST selection & acceptance list.

The opinions are based on our personal experience since the inception of DHERST's online selection systems. We hope that it gives you an understanding of the whole process. 

For the status updates of the PNG universities acceptance lists, click here.

 2025 PNG Universities and Colleges Acceptance List

Grade 12 Selections to Tertiary Institutions

The selection of Grade 12 students takes place before the Acceptance List 2025 comes out. 

DHERST used the National Online Application System (NOAS) to capture students' school leavers' choices. And uses the National Online Selection System (NOSS) to, electronically, select students according to their choice on the online school leavers' form, the NOAS.

Before 2018, the Grade 12 students had only 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices they pre-fill on a manual school leavers form. The manual SLF is sent to Port Moresby where tertiary institutions in the country scour over the paper forms and select students - this is long gone. 

The online selection and 2025 acceptance list compilation will be the 5th year DHERST runs the online selection. 

The online selection system and acceptance is the best technological intervention implemented by the higher education department, DHERST. 

However, there seemed to be a certain weakness in the selection process as seen in the release of the 2020 and 2021 acceptance lists. We do not know exactly what caused the delay but we can only infer that it may be due to the Public Holiday. 

2021 Acceptance List Release - Case Example

The 2021 acceptance list will be published before the TESAS Award list. 

The Post Courier reports on a statement by the higher education department secretary mentioned that the 2021 acceptance list will be published in two parts
  • Acceptance List of School Leavers: formal list of all the students who will be enrolled for the first time at tertiary institutions in the country. 
  • TESAS Award List 2021: The final list of the students in the 2021 acceptance list including their 'indicated' TESAS Award status.
DHERST indicated to have released the acceptance list on the second Friday of January 2021. This has not happened. 

We believe DHERST was working to get the 2021 acceptance list out to the public. Meanwhile, students, parents and citizens have to wait for the higher education department to make another announcement. 

The Post Courier reported that the TESAS Award list will be released in late January or February 2021. 

The reason is that 'DHERST will wait for all the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country to confirm their selection listing before the final TESAS Award List comes out.

Waiting for the HEIs in the country to send the confirmed list to DHERST can take ages. But, the Post Courier hinted that the final list could come out by late January or early February before the academic year starts.

Why Acceptance List Not Released on Time?

Many students, parents and stakeholders were asking the same question, why was the list acceptance list not released on time. 

As mentioned, the process of selection, quality checks, confirming availability of spaces with HEIs, etc is challenging. DHERST must get it right so that they do not mess up the final acceptance list.

The final acceptance list for students to enrol at the universities (including the PNG Govt's scholarship details) should/will come out a few weeks before the academic year starts. 

If you are someone with a special circumstance (non-school leaver, school leaver, self-sponsored, etc ) and need more time to prepare; make sure you mitigate the risks in good time before the academic year starts.

DHERST Acceptance List 2025: Key Points

In a press release two years ago, the Department of Higher Education (DHERST) said the students whose names appeared on the Grade 12 selection list must take note of the three points
  • (1) Your personal details contained within your application has been forwarded to the Higher Education Institution which has selected you.
  • (2) You should expect to receive an admissions offer letter directly from your Higher Education Institution (HEI). The HEI will communicate directly with you to inform you on specific details. 
  • (3) If your Study Program receives scholarship awards from the National Government, you may be eligible for financial support through the Tertiary Education Student Assistance Scheme (TESAS). Your TESAS status is also indicated in this National Selection List. Please log in to the NOAS ( and check MyStatus section any time before the 22nd December 2018 for further details on how to access your scholarship. [DHERST , Press Release 2018]

 2025 from your NOAS MyStatus

 Grade 12 school leavers should not be concerned about the upcoming PDF selection list, as you should already know your selection status for 2025 from your NOAS MyStatus. Although the school year is approaching quickly, there's no need to worry. Citizens and stakeholders must remain patient.

Since 2018, DHERST has excelled in:

- Online School Leavers Application (NOAS)

- Online Selection System (NOSS)

- Compiling and quality-checking selection listings

- Liaising with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country

- Publishing acceptance listings for all HEIs

Concerns should only arise if DHERST goes past mid-February. Until then, the department needs support from the PNG government, institutions, parents, citizens, and stakeholders to continue their excellent work.

We ask that you join us on FacebookTwitter or YouTube for up-to-date education info on tertiary institution selections in the country, as they happen. In addition to PNG Insight Blog, we also run the PNG Insight website and PNG Mathematics Exam Resource website

2025 TESAS List for Continuing Students To Tertiary Institutions in Papua New Guinea

The Tertiary Education Study Assistance Scheme (TESAS) is a crucial scholarship program provided by the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) through the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (DHERST).

2025 TESAS list encompasses the comprehensive listings for new intakes and continuing students enrolled in all recognised Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), including universities and colleges. 

This article aims to provide essential information for continuing students and new applicants on the TESAS program for the academic year 2025.


Understanding TESAS

TESAS is designed to support the higher education aspirations of students in Papua New Guinea by providing financial assistance based on academic merit and financial need. 

Eligibility criteria include meeting specific academic performance benchmarks and demonstrating financial need.

2025 TESAS List for Continuing Students

The 2025 TESAS list will be officially announced by DHERST, featuring both new intakes and continuing students. It is essential for continuing students who do not find their names on the published list to contact DHERST to confirm their status for the academic year 2025. 

Additionally, students who were self-sponsored in the previous year and have been awarded a scholarship for the current year should check their nearest Air Niugini Office for their travel itinerary. 

If students are not listed on the travel plan, they should contact DHERST to provide the necessary travel information. Travel arrangements will adhere to the destinations provided by respective HEIs in the previous year.

Financial Arrangements and Support

To relieve the financial burden on parents regarding school fees and facilitate a seamless commencement of the 2025 academic year for HEIs, the GoPNG, through DHERST, has settled all outstanding 2024 TESAS arrears owed to all HEIs. 

Disbursements for TESAS payments for Semester 1, 2025, are scheduled to be processed soon after registration is completed and lists are compiled and submitted to DHERST. It is crucial to note that Semester 2, 2025 TESAS payments are contingent upon HEIs providing Semester 2 registration lists and the requisite acquittals for Semester 1, 2025.

Important Dates for 2025 TESAS List for Continuing Students

Here are some dates that you should take note when as a continuing student. 
  • DHERST will launch the New Intakes Selection for 2025 on 16th December 2025.
  • Publication of 2025 New Intakes TESAS Award Lists will follow 7 to 14 days after the launch.
  • Continuing Students and New Intakes (both School Leavers & Non-school Leavers) TESAS List usually comes out in mid-January. For example, last year the TESAS List for Continuing Students came out on the 16th of January.
Here is the full list of dates and events relating to Exam Results and Selections for 2025 - click here to find out.

Common Issues and FAQs Relating to 2025 TESAS List for Continuing Students

How do I apply for TESAS as a continuing student?

Continuing students should follow the guidelines provided by DHERST and consult their respective HEIs for confirmation of their status. If your name does not appear on the TESAS list, contact your HEI immediately.

What should I do if I was self-sponsored last year?

If you were self-sponsored in the previous year and have been awarded a scholarship for 2025, check your nearest Air Niugini Office for your travel itinerary. Contact DHERST if you do not find your name on the travel plan to provide necessary travel information.

What if my TESAS payments are delayed?

Payments for TESAS are processed after registration and list submission. Ensure your HEI submits the necessary documents promptly. Semester 2 payments depend on the submission of registration lists and acquittals for Semester 1.

Contact DHERST

The TESAS program is a vital component in supporting students' higher education in Papua New Guinea. 

For further information, please contact DHERST at the provided telephone numbers or via email. For further inquiries, call: 3012076 or 3012058/3012048/3012070, or email at

ARTICLES & INFORMATION RELATING TO 2025 TESAS List for Continuing Students 

NG Grade 12 National Online Application System (NOAS), Key Dates

Follow the links in the updates to find out more.

  • Here is a post about DHERST Selections that provides information for school leavers and Non-School Leavers. 
  • For the status updates of PNG university acceptance lists, click here.


The PNG Universities DHERST Selection List for all universities and tertiary institutions will be made available online as a PDF once published by DHERST. However, the Grade 12 Selection List for 2025 for PNG tertiary institutions will not be immediately accessible following the release of the Grade 12 Online Results. DHERST requires a few days to finalize the online selections for each tertiary institution. 

The final DHERST list will be published online in PDF format. The Department of Higher Education has released the schedule. Click here to find out when the Grade 12 Selection List PDF will be available.


NDOE 2024 Grade 12 Exam Result vs DHERST NOAS 2025 Selection List

Grade 12 Exam Results Release Date: The National Department of Education (NDOE), through the Measurement Services Division (MSD), has not yet communicated the online release date for the Grade 12 students' exam results. Historically, these results are typically released in early to mid-December. By this time, all Grade 12 students in the country should have accessed their examination results and seen their selection status on the National Online Application Systems (NOAS).

DHERST NOAS 2025 Selection Launch: The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) has announced that the launch of the Grade 12 selection for 2025 will take place on December 18, 2024. Understandably, the exam results will be available before this launch date, allowing students to review their results and selection status.

Here is how the online results and selection work

Grade 12 Selection List For 2025 PDF - Universities

The Grade 12 Selection List For 2025 for tertiary institutions in PNG, usually, comes out during the last week of December or the first week of January of the new year as seen in the last two years.

However, there were administrative problems with the Grade 12 selections in 2020, 2021 and 2022 under the acting secretary for DHERST. The problems were fixed and the selection lists were updated and released to the public.

We hope the that Grade 12 Selection for 2025 will flow smoothly, like in 2023, according to the schedule released by DHERST.

Here is what DHERST said about the updated Grade 12 selections listing for tertiary institution which was retracted:

The Department of Higher Education Research Science & Technology (DHERST) wishes to advise students and higher education institutions (HEIs) that it has revised the previous TESAS awards for continuing students for new academic year. The award list published on the DHERST website on the 5th of January 2020 is retracted due to some technical problems beyond our control. This has been rectified and scholarships rewarded to all eligible students. (DHERST Press release | 19/01/2020)

When will Grade 12 Selection List For 2025 List be Published?

Here are the 2024 Selection for 2024 5Academic Year Key Dates

  • NOAS Grace Period: Monday, 2 December - Thursday 5 December 2024
  • Selection Process Launch: Thursday 16 December, 2025
  • Admission Grade 12 Selection List For 2025 PDF: YET TO BE ANNOUNCED

Grade 12 Selection List For 2025 PDF - HEIs

LATEST ARTICLE: PNG Universities and Colleges 2025 Acceptance, TESAS, HELP Loan and Registration and Orientation - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

We also provide some background information about the 6 PNG universities here. Find out about the selection lists for UPNG, UOG, UNRE, Unitech, DWU and PAU:

How to Confirm Grade 12 Students' Selection and TESAS Status

The Grade 12 selection is done online and is quick. The final list of admitted students for the 2025 academic year will be published online.

Applicants are advised to keep an eye on the DHERST website or social media pages for updates regarding the selection process.

Here is how to check the selection status (WITH VIDEO GUIDE). This article shows you how to use the Grade 12 student SLF number and search the downloaded PDF files, with ease :) So, check it out. 

PNG Insight will continue providing updates on the 2025 Grade 12 Selection List. For inquiries regarding the Grade 12 Selection List For 2025 PDF, please leave a comment below or refer to the latest update here.


About PNG Insight

PNG Insight is an education blog. It aims to highlight the key developments in the education sector in Papua New Guinea. Started in 2014 on Google's blogger (now self-hosted on WordPress), PNG Insight strives to be a platform for critical thinking and discussions; and a source of information.

We ask that you join us on FacebookTwitter or YouTube for up-to-date education info on tertiary institution selections in the country, as they happen. 


DHERST Selection & TESAS Award List | PNG Universities

NOTE: This is an update that we brought to our readers last year - we will bring the same update on the 2025 Grade 12 selections list for universities and non-universities. Visit the links above for the latest information for this year.

  • #5 The Grade 12 (NEW INTAKES) Selection List is now published by DHERST - See the 'stats that matter 
  • #4 Notes on 2021 Continuing Students TESAS Awards List, why many students' names are not on the list published by DHERST.
  • #3 For the status updates of PNG universities' acceptance list, click here.
  • #2 DHERST has not released the 2021 School Leavers TESAS award list for HEIs. It is not clear why, but we believe the HEIs sent the Students' Acceptance Letters out already.
  • #1 As predicted in an earlier video (at the end of this article), DHERST has announced that the Tertiary Selection List will be released on Friday the 8th of January.


FUNDING for next year’s (2021) tertiary education study assistance Scheme (TESAS) and higher education loan programme (HELP) are available now, Fr Jan Czuba says.

The Department of Higher Education, Science, Research and Technology (DHERST) secretary told a press conference recently that the Government had allocated K230 million for Help and K37 million for TESAS.

This new article has the latest on DHERST Students Loan Program - Click on the link to find out about the timeline and application eligibility criteria.


“We are blessed that we have the Help programme and this is a big help to students that cannot afford to pay,” Fr Jan said.

“We didn’t receive as much as required.

“K68 million was required but we got K37 million.

“Tesas is important because our prime minister wants to encourage students to study hard and academic competition is very important.

“I think we can negotiate some amendments with our Government for Tesas.”

Earlier, Fr Jan said 6,637 students applied for Help this year and K28,109,457 was paid by the Government.

He said it was likely that the number of students that would apply for Help next year would increase because this year would be the first year.

“Students from institutions that are registered with DHERST are eligible to apply for the help programme,” Fr Jan said.

He said students had to demonstrate that they were enrolled in a registered institution in order to apply.

“Help cannot be given to students until such time we have confirmation from the institution that the student has enrolled under the institution,” he said.

The HELP initiative aims to enhance and increase the quality of higher education and ensure continuous access to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees available to eligible students.

It is not compulsory and students can choose whether or not to apply.

Source: The National Newspaper/ By JINA AMBA

Recommended readings for HELP students loan

Here are past news articles and information about DHERST HELP student loan programs that you should know when applying.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think. 



Public Holidays in PNG 2025

Public Holidays in PNG 2025